Chapter 18: Could I Just Gain Other Friends?

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“So, let’s backtrack on what we already went over for the Nerd Project.” Blaine said. We were all on our way to get some food. Kevin offered to drive us, so we took it. “We discussed Alan’s glasses.” Jesse looked back at me from the passenger seat and nodded.

“Check!” He said.

“We talked about his hair.” Blaine continued writing stuff down into her notebook.

“Check!” Jesse continued.

“You two have been taking him to the gym.” Blaine said with a smile.

“I guess we could say check.” He said with a shrug. I’m surprised he didn’t make a joke at me in front of Blaine. I heard Kevin chuckle.

“How’s that been going?” Blaine said with an amused smile.

“Ehh..” Kevin and Jesse both said at the same time. Blaine rolled her eyes and continued writing stuff.

“We also have been trying to teach him slang.” Kevin said trying to hide a laugh.

“Hey Kev?” Jesse said with a smile.

“Yeah man?” Kevin said as he was pulling into a burger joint.

“What’s up?” Jesse asked, which caused them both to chuckle. Blaine looked like she wanted to ask, but was too busy filling in notes in her ‘life-changing’ guide, Jesse’s words not mine.

“Let’s just go in.” I said choosing to ignore their taunts. We all went out and made our way inside the shop. Kevin led us to a booth near the back. There was a large window on its side. Jesse plopped himself right into a seat and sent us all a lazy smile. Kevin sat next to him with Blaine and I across from them. A few seconds later, a waitress came and offered us all menus. We all said our thanks, so a ‘thanks’ from me and Blaine, a nod from Kevin, and a grin from Jesse.

“So..if this guide thing is going to work.” Jesse started while looking at me, “You’re going to pick up some weight.”

“That way you can gain muscle.” Kevin explained.

“So I should just eat more? Okay.” I agreed, thinking it should be easy enough.

“Allow me to order for us three.” Jesse said looking at Kevin and me. I didn’t agree nor disagree as I turned my attention to Blaine.

“You got your order Blaine?” I asked looking at the menu.

“Uh..” Her eyes stayed glued to the textbook and she waved her hand carelessly at me, “Order me whatever.”

“So a hamburger and fries then?” I asked tapping her shoulder with the menu.

“No, Alan I want a salad.” She said trying to look serious. “I can’t just eat burgers whenever.”

“Sure then you can get a salad.” I said agreeing with her.

“So you think I really need a salad?” She said looking up from her textbook at me trying to hide a smile. Kevin and Jesse’s expressions both dropped in surprise.

“I mean, you’re the one who said..” I wanted to laugh but looked panicked instead.

“Is that a yes or a no?” She said acting like she was beyond annoyed. They were both shaking their heads to tell me to say no.

“Uhh….no?” I said as if I was completely lost. Kevin scratched his hair in awkwardness while Jesse face-palmed himself.

“Alan!” Blaine said, raising her voice a little higher.

“Okay okay, I’m sorry.” I said laughing; Blaine started laughing too. Kevin and Jesse looked at us like we were crazy.

“Okay for starters, that is not normal.” Jesse said after a few seconds later after getting his composure back. “Last time, I tried to order a girl a salad, she almost bit my head off! What gives?” Blaine and I just chuckled. Kevin rolled his eyes.

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