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 Thank you to @euphoric for this wonderful cover on the side <3

And thank you to everyone who read my story! Whether you commented/voted or not, it means lots! :) Once again, this is the last chapter of My Nerd Project; I may write a side story, which includes Blaine's older brother Jasper. So keep a look out if you're interested. Thanks again!


Alan's POV:

"You're gonna do fine." Blaine assured me.

"Oh no, knowing Jesse, he's probably gonna throw me a pass rougher than the rest, or he might even throw me a flattened one. Oh no, no way. Nu-uh." I said, my nerves increasing by every step I took.

"Relax," She told me but my mind was elsewhere. What was I thinking trying to try-out for the football team? A year with the jocks and now I'm ready to make a fool out of myself in front of everyone? "Alan.." Blaine tried. I mentally cringed, trying to listen to her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. What'd you say?" I said running a hand through my hair.

"You're gonna do fine," she reassured me for the tenth time today. I nodded.

"Yeah-I'm sure I-I'll do great." I said with clenched teeth. Geez Alan, stop acting like a baby!

"Hey," she said grabbing my arms and letting me face her. I looked at her and smiled sheepishly.

"You're gonna make that catch, and you're going to be on the football team." Blaine said firmly. "Now is that what you want?"

"Yeah." I said with a nod. And it's true, the less nerdy part of me really did want to make it.

"Then come on silly; I'll be there cheering you on the whole time." She said smiling encouragely at me. I couldn't help but smile back. Some bystanders were making their way to the bleachers while jocks were heading to the field. I looked at Blaine through my contacts. I didn't want to take chances wearing my newer glasses and risk them getting hit, but that was okay because I didn't need to grab onto any glasses, not when I had Blaine. I quickly gave her a hug, feeling some of my nerves disappear.

"In case anything happens, I want you to donate my books to a good cause, but not my book dictionary or my chess set or my-"

"Alan!" I heard my voice being called.

"Oh and tell my mom I love her." I continued anyway. "And tell my grandma that too, who else am I forgetting?" 

"Alan- seriously it's not that big of a deal." Blaine said, rolling her eyes at me.

"If only you could hide me behind those pom-poms, we could've ditched." I said looking back at the field. Blaine just chuckled. I gave a long dramatic sigh before grabbing my backpack off the floor. "I guess I should get going." Blaine grabbed her pom-poms off the floor and gave me a kiss on the cheek before giving me a push.

"You forgot me, idiot!" She said with a pout. I guess she's referring to when I was listing people I love.

"I can never forget you." I said honestly, giving her a kiss on the forehead before tightening my hold on my backpack and heading closer to the football field.

"Good luck!" She cheered with her pom-poms. I put up a thumbs-up without looking back. I wonder if I'll get tackled.. I made my way to the jocks surrounding Coach Peters.

"Go Alan!" I heard a couple people shout. I looked to the bleachers to see my chess buddies were there. I couldn't help but laugh and wave back.

"Let's hope your fans don't see you get too hurt, eh Gray?" I heard a voice address me. I looked to see Jesse's grin and rolled my eyes. A few jocks chuckled and shoved each other while we were given instructions.

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