Chapter 25:DDDD

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Well hello my beautiful blossoms! SOO sorry about the ridiculously late update D:

I don't know, I wasn't really into this chapter, sorry if it sucks haha:P


Banner to the right! I don't own its awesomness:)

       * * * * *

Chapter 25

"The notorious, flawlessly-gorgeous and extra-terrestrial Tom Riddle, fancies scum? That is absurd, and just plain mental. No one could have him, could press their lips to his impeccable ones. Chances of even touching his smooth, pearl-white skin were in the negatives! Every girl wanted him, with just one glance they would become undeniably infatuated with him, they would fall into an unknown trance. They all tried so hard to impress him, begging him to know of their existence in the world even if they knew their was something evil in him, though that made him all the more attractive and utterly enticing. He could of had any girl he wanted, and he chose someone barely worth a penny.

"As you can see, Dumbledore, he wanted what he couldn't have."


* * * * * * *
I froze.

My jaw magically became unhinged, dropping to the floor in shock.

My brain was having difficulty grasping the meaning of those horrible words uttered by Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Kill....Matthew Manning?

I was too deep in limbo to even process the realty of those surreal-like words.

Did he just....

He didn't.....

The only thoughts that were coming to me then was how Tom was confidently smirking, how he seemed so genuinely pleased with my supposedly excepted reaction.

"You heard me, mudblood. And I can tell by that atrocious expression that you know what I said." He chuckled and crossed his arms.

"No." That one, simple yet effective word exited my lips almost unconsciously.

Tom's eyes morphed into ones of sharp green and dangerous, like those of an animal's, on the hunt.

"No? I'm not familiar with that word. Are you sure about that pathetic answer?" His voice was ice-cold and hard, obviously not expecting refusal.

"I'm sure." I weakly mumbled, a tremor in my knees, partly because I was still prepared to pass out any second, and partly because he was deathly frightening.

If possible, his expression hardened, and his orbs lit up in livid fire.

The tremor in my legs grew larger.

"We have a deal, mudblood. And surely, you wouldn't want to break that deal, would you?" I was surprised with the way he managed to hiss and inject venom every single word.

I gulped.

He was right.

He was always right.

"Why do you even want to kill him?" I whispered. It was then, that the reality of Tom's power hit me. He was evil, and undeniably emotionless when he wanted to be, relentless and determined and uncaring for others.

He sighed impatiently. "Do you honestly think I would tell you? I have my reasons."

Suddenly, anger hit me like a large, speedy bus. Did he just think he had the right to end someone's life like that, and to stop them from having a future, all so that Tom could get his way? He really was a monster.

"The deal's off, and I'm warning Matt too!" I was expecting him to gaze at me with a glare, but instead, he smirked.

"You see, I don't think you'd want to do that, Aneline." I swallowed roughly, knowing he only said my actual name when he was completely serious under that smirk.

"And w-why wouldn't I want to do that?" I asked shakily, unsure if I honestly wanted to know why.

He unconsciously began rotating his long, slender wand as he gazed at me with those pools of deep green.

"I know what you fear the most Aneline. I've figured you out like an incredibly easy puzzle. I know your strengths, which by the way is not many, and I know your many weaknesses. One is pain. You hate pain. You loathe it, and I know it's because of past experience, isn't it? You hate both physical and emotional pain, and that makes you an even weaker wizard. You can't stand it.

"But pain is one of my greatest strengths. I adore inflicting pain on others, and I, would rather prefer experiencing it, because it makes you stronger, powerful." He spoke so efficiently and smoothly, it was almost as if he had rehearsed it.

Again, we was correct. I resented pain with all my might, and took any means to avoid it. Pain had been something so present in my life, even from the people who were supposed to love me.

When you go through hardships like those in your life, you're never the most confident person.

But then again, helping Tom kill Matt was unbearable! Something that would be imprinted in my consciousness for eternity.

"Please don't kill him." I was increasingly becoming desperate. I would do anything to avoid that fate for Matt, because I knew Tom would kill him in a flash, and he wouldn't stand a fight like that.

Tom scoffed in sheer disgust. "What do you care anyway mudblood, what exactly does he mean to you?" Call me crazy for thinking it, but he sounded almost....jealous.

The thought came to me for a millisecond, and then it was gone. Of course he wouldn't be.

"I just don't want anyone to die!" I raised my hands up and rubbed my face in stress and frustration, determined to prevent death if I could help it.

"Do tell, what in the world would you have to offer in return?" He said, averting his eyes to the ground in deep thought, like he already had an idea in mind.

I racked through my brain, hurriedly thinking of anything possible.

"The crucious curse, you can use it on me." I said with a wince.

"Tempting...but I can do that any day I wish, so no." He drawled out in boredom.

"I'll tell you what I used to do with your food before I gave it to you at the manor."

This time he glanced up and glared.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." I laughed nervously, remembering the many times I had spit in his food.

I thought of a few more, only to get it rejected by a seriously peeved Tom.

"I give up." I sated flatly, nothing coming to mind.

"I have a suggestion." Tom said in amusement, his musical voice dripping with mystery.

"You could of said that a LONNGGG time ago." He rolled his eyes.

"Stop your communication with him." He said simply. "I know the only thing harder for you than killing him is not being able to speak with him."

It seemed so simple, yet it was something that had a huge penalty on me, considering Matt had been one of the few people I felt like I could confide in and talk to easily, and Tom knew it.

I concluded Tom to be an evil genius.

"Fine." I agreed, but felt a strange lurch in the pit of my stomach.

He grinned in pure malice, obviously pleased with himself.

"Perfect." He began turning in his heel to leave me there, before adding something that threw me off guard a bit.

"By the way, don't forget to come the supposed "fight" today."

"But we made a d-"

He cut me off, raising his hand in the air to silence me.

"You said not to kill him. I can still beat him to a bloody pulp though." He smirked at the grotesque thought.

"Oh yeah? Well lunch already passed, so HA!" He sighed and pressed his fingers to his temples.

"That's why you're skipping  Arithmancy you buffoon. Be at room 405, it's abandoned."

My mouth popped open. "What?! No! I can't miss a class like that, AND I might get caught!" Even just the prospect of that shaky word made me extremely reluctant.

He sighed, fed up with me. "You're such a bloody goody-goody. It's disgusting. You're coming, and anything otherwise WILL have a punishment."

I felt like flailing my hands in the air and saying "WHY?!!" I knew he had won, he never lost, he probably even didn't know the meaning of LOOSER.

He strode away so damn arrogantly, a cynical smirk plastered across his face as his followers gave him a curious look, but didn't say anything.

I could practically feel Bellatrix's malicious glare as she followed him out, and I took the liberty of smiling and waving at her.

                     * * * * * * *
Swallowing hard, I kept my eyes glued to the clock. Only two minutes until our next period, or the period where I go all bad-girl and skip class.

Miranda, Ned and Myrtle were staring at me in confusion.

Once Tom and his disciples had left, I went back to my seat and told them he had just been insulting me as usual.

"You know," Miranda started, "It's quite unusual that Riddle would ESPECIALLY be bothering you more than anyone." She said suspiciously, Ned slightly nodding his head in agreement.

I pretended to sigh, but my insides were churning. I couldn't tell them the truth, first because they could never do anything about it and the professors would give them crazy looks, plus secondly, if Tom found out that they knew who he REALLY was, he would end them. For good.

"Well, yeah I mean obviously he's going to pick on me the most. I work for him, so he basically just sees me as a slave waiting to be given orders and mistreated." That was partly true-

"GOOONNGGG GONNNG." The bell rang, announcing that it was time for Arithmancy, or should I say time-for-witnessing-Tom-kick-someone's-Arse.

I blew an exaggerated raspberry and told them I had to go to the restroom. My stomach was doing major back-flips, my head spinning. You're probably thinking the reason for my trepidation was because of the whole fight scene right?


I was freaking out because I had never, EVER skipped a single class before in my entire existence. I absolutely loathed that feeling of adrenaline coursing through my veins and of being completely, totally  frightened of being caught.

I made my way to the room Tom had told me to go, thinking of how badly I wanted to turn on my heels and make a run for it, but I had made a deal to him, and he did NOT take ten lightly.

I. Hated. Skipping!

"Would it be rude of me to openly say you look like bloody crap right now? Honesty can really be a pain in the arse.." I half-jumped and half-sighed. I had grown a bit used to him dropping in unannounced.

"I thought I was going to meet you guys there." I inquired as we made our way up a flight of staircase.

"Oh but I knew your silly little self would manage to get lost and not make it, so I took the liberty of escorting you to your delightful doom myself." He drawled, striding ahead of me like he was above anyone, more almighty.


"AHH!" I hoarsely screeched as the staircase abruptly shifted, Tom protectively stretched  his long arms out so I wouldn't fall.

Seriously, there HAD to be some sort of safety code being broken with those randomly-moving stairs!

"I thought I saw my life flashing before my eyes!" I exclaimed in relief, and I could practically taste his irritation with my exaggerating.

"You know what mudblood?" His voice was smooth, almost serpent-like.

"What?" I asked, but knew he was going to say something completely rude.

"I should have let you fall."

"Buttie-hole." I mumbled without properly thinking, praying to Merlin he hadn't heard me.

But of course, he never failed to catch anything.

"Excuse me?" He sneered.

"Buttie.....hole?" He burst out laughing, something incredibly rare, like soft chimes to my ears.

I blushed a cozy starlet as we finally arrived at the door, unsure if Matt would be there or not.

"He's in their." I heard Tom say with disgust and disdain.

"How do you know?"

"I can smell the nasty rat from a mile away."

I raised my eyebrows and he easily opened the door, revealing a bare, naked room. There were no desks, boards, anything! It was truly abandoned, and by just looking at it, I got that gut-wrenching feeling that nothing good was gouge to come out of this.

So what did I do? I tried to convince Tom one last time.

"Come on Tom this is waste of time! You guys get mad for anything!" He ignored me and entered.

"Ok, let's get this over with."

* * * * *


So I decided to give you guys a break from all those cliffhangers! And you've finally found out WHO these anonymous people are talking to in the beginning! :D

Love you guys!

Promise the next chappie will e action-packed! And maybe some..drama? :))))

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