Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

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Cheers sprung up from Ravenclaw house, others slumping back into their chair in a gesture of boredom.

I sat, unmoving on the stool in complete shock.

There had to be a mistake! Me, Aneline De'baunare, a SMART cookie?

"Go on! Get to your table." Professor McGonagall urged me in a whisper.

I finally got a hold of myself, and made my way to where Ned and Miranda where waiting, gesturing to the empty seat and bowing dramatically. I rolled my eyes at their actions but smiled all the same. I had practically just met them, and here they were, arms outstretched for a new friend.

I took a seat in the middle, and noticed the food still hadn't been brought out. Suddenly, headmaster Dippet smiled, and clapped his hands together twice joyfully. My mouth, for the hundredth time that year, was forever nailed to the floor as bucket-loads of food appeared on plates, and the goblets slowly filled themselves up with clear, crisp and icy water.

Every type of food imaginable was at my reach. Steak, salad, mashed potatoes, English delicacies and so much more called out to me. I was internally worshipping the amazing things displayed in front of me, and I made a mental note to later build a shrine of Headmaster Dippet.

I glanced up and coincidentally locked eyes with Tom for half-a second. He immediately looked away, disgusted for some reason, and leaned in to talk to Bellatrix, who seemed to be soaking up everything he was saying without a thought.

That weird feeling settled in again, and I refused to acknowledge it as jealousy. Instead, I attacked the food almost animal-like. Vicious bites and pig-related chews. I never really was the cleanest eater.

I knew Ned and Miranda's eyes were trained on me, probably staring at me in horror, but in that moment I didn't really care.

That was the best damn meal I had ever consumed in my entire existence.

"Hey Aneline?" I shot my head up from my thick slice of steak and looked at Ned in question.

"Have you ever herd if this thing called a napkin? It's really useful and the effects are-"

"Oh go stuff yourself Ned. I'm having the time of my life! WOO!" Did I mention I had A TON of sugar on the train from that trolley? Yeah, well they were really starting to have their effect.

Ned rose his eyebrows in amusement, a slight smile on his face.

"I'm guessing you had your share on the sugar-"

I cut him off once again, yet this time I placed pointer finger in his lips dramatically.

" art thou so amused? Calm thyself whilst enjoy thy time." I said seriously, looking into his eyes.

He burst out in laughter, banging his fists on the table while tears streamed down his eyes. Everyone gazed at him weirdly, but after a few seconds returned to their feast.

Miranda was oblivious to all this, too busy flirting with the boy sitting next to her, twisting her hair with her finger provocatively. I shrugged and returned to pigging out when I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder.


"Get. Up. Now." I froze as I heard Tom's voice hissing in a menacing tone. Ned had stopped laughing and Miranda was stating with wide eyes. The rest of the table was stiff too, but they continued their conversations, knowing better than to sit and stare.

Tom began to drag me up with his grip by the arm, but Ned stopped him, placing his hand on my free arm.

"She doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to." He said fiercely, but even I could see the brave bluff, a slight tremor in his voice.

Tom arched his eyebrows, the emerald glare returning.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" He said quietly, almost authoritatively.

Ned swallowed hard, but refused to retire his hold on me.

"Yes I do. Now let go of her." Tom's glare increased impossibly.

"Are you stupid or crazy, or is it just both? I can end your pathetic little life in a matter of seconds."

That was when I decided to speak up, the sugar still in my system.

"Knock knock." I giggled hysterically.

Tom shot me the weirdest look, and didn't answer.

"Am I a pretty person?" I asked, my eyes beginning to water. Woah what had that sugar done to me?!

Tom was taken aback by the sudden question, and Ned just sighed.

"She's had her nice dose of sugar."

This registered in Tom's head, and he just barked out a dark, cynical laugh.

I cringed.

"This is quite the entertainment, if I might add. Giving her sugar?! She's already mental enough as it is."

I was angry when he said that. And when Aneline's angry, and has a pound of sugar pumping through her veins, she does not-so-nice things.

I stomped on Tom Riddle's foot as hard as an ninety-pound girl could.


Sorry for the really short chapter! Next one will be extra-long! Promise!

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