Chappie 3!!

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I walked as slowly as a snail ever could up the staircase with a basket of cleaning stuff dangling from my right arm. When I got to the top of the stairs each door that I passed by seemed to grow bigger and cower over me, making me feel small and vulnerably nervous.

I was just feeling butterflies in my stomach when I went up the stairs and passed those doors, but when I reached the hallway he would be in, my stomach was doing a tap dance. Would he be just as evil and cold as my parents? Just earlier today I was in the hallway and overheard people saying he would just kill muggle-borns whenever he was in a bad mood.

I shuddered.


I would be extra careful not to slip up in front of him. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I realized I had arrived in front of a tall vibrant green door with serpents engraved in the wood on the sides. I took a deep breath. I could do this. I turned the brass knob slowly and entered.


For a second I forgot about the muggle-born killer and was in awe and utter amassment at the grand and spacious room.

The walls were cold stone black bricks perfectly lined up. The hardwood floor wasn't polished, but glossy. The king sized bed held layers and layers of extravagant green silk blankets and covers, with thick cool green drapes hanging lazily but beautifully over the bed even though it looked like someone had slept in them but only barely. There was also a large smooth wood carved desk with pens and pencils scattered everywhere on top of it.

Damn he had the good life.

Then, my eyes landed on him. His back was facing me, with his gaze piercing into the green ember fireplace. His hands were wrapped together behind his back stiffly. One part of me told me I should be afraid and it probably was a mistake to stare. But the other part of me, the girl part, couldn't help but check him out.

He was a few half inches taller then me with a thin body. He didn't have big fat muscles but he wasn't ugly bony either. His sleek dark brown hair was neatly combed and parted perfectly and evenly. I couldn't get a good look at his eyes since they were turned away from me. I was about to clear my throat to let him know I was there but then he suddenly spoke with a cold hard voice.

"Are you just going to stand there and gawk or attend to your cleaning like you should mudblood?" I gasped and felt like a trillion knives had attacked my already-aching heart at the sound of the horrific word that he said with lots of ease but managed to sneer it in disgust.


Even the way he said it made me kind of hate myself for a second. I strode over to the fit- for-a-king bed and felt the smooth cool silk meet and dance under my fingers as I made the bed. For some reason I felt like it was almost wrong that I was touching it.

I looked up and locked eyes with Tom Riddle for a second.. His almost snake-like eyes were green orbs that bore and clashed with my brown ones. His pale with skin so white there seemed to be dim white glow around him. His slim nose was perfectly straight, which made him all the more attractive. His piercing gaze burnt holes in my back as I was doing his bed, trying hard not to look up again.

"How old are you? You look about my age." His question demanded an answer as I absorbed his words.

"Seventeen years old." I somehow managed to keep my voice calm and straight without cracking.

"Most of the servants here are a lot older than that." He was talking mostly to himself than to me. I didn't think he expected a response so I didn't give him one.

The minutes ticked by while I cleaned his room as quickly yet thoroughly as I possibly could. His gaze didn't budge and with each 'tick' of the clock I grew more self-conscious.

"Could you go any slower you leach?" Each word was injected with venom. Before I could stop myself, I answered.

"Yep, yes I can." My words drooped into low sarcasm. As soon as the betraying words were out of my mouth I scowled at myself. I slowly looked up to meet his eyes again and almost had a stroke.

His eyes had become tiny slits of fury and were as burning bright as the fireplace. "You dare talk to me that way?" His voice was calm but powerfully evil which shook my insides.

"Sorry Mr.Riddle." I mumbled and suddenly became very interested in the floor. I heard him scoff and looked up to see amusement flash in his eyes.

"Will you be willing to beg for mercy? Get down on your knees and beg." He commanded. I almost snorted. Was he serious? His answer proved he had read my mind.

"Oh I'm very serious." His face reflected his words as it was smooth and very serious-looking.

"And what will you do to me if I don't get down on my knees and embarrass myself?" He cocked and eyebrow but pulled out his wands and began to swiftly rotate it with his fingers.

"Lets see, should it be crucio or the one and only avada kedavara?" My face was twisted in horror. How could he just say those words so easily? As much as I didn't want to believe him, I didn't doubt whether he would do it or not.

I sighed and walked up to him at a dancing distance and slowly got down on my knees while keeping my face down so he wouldn't see the glare in it.

"Please forgive me." I managed to keep the façade of a voice sincere and sweet as honey. I felt him bring my chin up with the tip of his wand to face him.

"Say it to my face servant." I widened my eyes considerably to look like a lost cute puppy and repeated myself. He let go of the wand and a smirk flashed across his face which told me he was satisfied with himself. I got up and brushed my hands at my jeans.

"Do all of your servants have to do that?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"None of them ever talk to me that way." I nodded slowly.

"Have you spoken to my legal guardians yet?" He suddenly said.

"Why do you call them legal guardians? Aren't they your parents?" Something inside me told me I had said something wrong.

"That is none of your concern mudblood." I didn't wince at the insult this time. I had gotten used to it. An awkward silence fell between us.

"How many muggle-borns have you killed?" I suddenly blurted out. His face was cool and composed.

"Why would you want to know?" He sneered.

"Because I want to know what's in store for me that's why." I snapped at him before I could stop myself. He raised an eyebrow but didn't seem to mind my retort.

"I don' know." He shrugged casually. How could he take killing so lightly? I sighed.

"Well I think I'm done here so I'm gonna go now." I turned for the door but he beat me to it, blocking my way.

"Wait. What's your name?" I was surprised at the question but answered with ease. "Aneline De'baunare." He nodded and let me pass.

"My name's Tom Riddle." He drawled out uncaringly before exiting the room.

My life is a Riddle(Tom Riddle falls for a mudblood?!)Where stories live. Discover now