Setting Up The Wedding/New Opponents

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*2 Months Later*

You and Lexi were currently with Finn and Becky, going over planning for the double wedding with the wedding planner. It had been over thirty minutes and the girls still couldn't decide on a season.

Alexa: What about during the spring?

Becky: I don't know, I like the idea of a winter wedding.

You: Why not in between? How does a summer wedding sound?

Lexi and Becky looked at each other while Finn mumbled "please just pick a freakin season."

Lexi and Becky: Deal!

Planner: Ok. Now that we have a season, would you prefer an indoor or outdoor wedding?

Lexi: What kind of outdoor venues are we talking about?

Planner: You know I was thinking like a beach wedding or maybe even a secret garden wedding.

Becky: I like the idea of a garden wedding. Never know when a beach wedding can get really windy.

Planner: Ok. Season and location have been decided. And how many guests will be showing up to the ceremony?

You: Roughly about 400 people, including families.

Finn: Yep. So, we're gonna need a huge venue for this wedding.

Planner: I think I have just the place for you guys.

The wedding planner then pulled up the perfect venue to have the double wedding on her laptop.

The wedding planner then pulled up the perfect venue to have the double wedding on her laptop

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The girls were in awe with how perfect it looked.

Lexi: I say yes!

Becky: Yes! Definitely!

Finn: I'm in.

You: We'll take it.

And with that, the location for the wedding was set and all you needed to do was to get a catering service and a couple of wedding cakes.

*4 Days Later*

On Smackdown, you sat in the middle of the ring with both the U.S. title and the WWE title by your side.

You: Wrestlemania was the defining moment of all our careers when this faction had won every single title in WWE!

The crowd gave mixed cheers

You: Now before I go any further, I'd like to invite the co leaders of the bullet club to come on out. AJ, Finn, please come out.

AJ and Finn both walk out and got in the ring with their championship belts around their waists.

AJ: As you know, Adam Cole went behind our backs and pretty much abandoned us for Undisputed Era. But now, we have a new enemy on our hands that attacked Gallows and Anderson last week.

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