Road to Wrestlemania

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*Fast Forward to Elimination Chamber*

You and Lexi got prepared for the chamber and stood by the gorilla, holding Lexi's hand. Tonight was a successful night for the women's bullet club as Mandy and Sonya won the women's tag titles. After Randy and Jeff entered the match, your music hit as you and Lexi walked out. You and Lexi stood in front of the chamber until the refs told her to go backstage. You kissed her before she whispered in your ear.

Lexi: Good luck babe

You nodded before she walked backstage and you walked up the steps and into the chamber as you got in your respective pod. After AJ, Joe, and Daniel made their entrances, the match began as Joe and Daniel locked up.

*Fast forward to the end of the match*

It was down to you and Daniel. Finisher after finisher, kickout after kickout. The crowd was loving every second of the match. With blood leaking from your forehead and possibly a sprained ankle, you and Daniel were on top of a chamber pod. Daniel tried going for the labelle lock, but you countered and hit a superplex from the top of the pod. The crowd cheered as you got Daniel back up and hit the blackout on him. 1...2...3. The match was over as your music hit and you lyed in the ring as the new WWE champion. You slowly stood up and received the belt from the ref and you have your arm raised before you limp backstage to the bullet club. Lexi ran up to you as you kissed her for a few seconds until releasing.

Lexi: What's up champ?

You: Sup?

Both factions of the bullet club then pulled you in for a group hug before helping you get to the medics. After getting cleaned up, the doctor checked on your ankle.

Doc: Well, it's nothing to serious. All you need to do is keep off of it for at least two days.

You: That'll be fine. Thanks doc.

And with that, the doctor gave you a set of crutches and some painkillers before letting you go. After you and Lexi walk out of the doctor's office, Triple H was standing outside waiting for you.

Triple H: Hey champ. Can I see you in my office before you go? This is about the storyline.

You: Sure boss.

Lexi: I'll see you in a few minutes, I gotta go see Becky really quick.

You and Lexi kissed before she walked off as you and Hunter made your way to his office.

*In Hunter's Office*

You arrive to Hunter's office and were surprised to see Adam in there too before you sat down.

Triple H: Ok. So I know you're wondering why Adam is here too.

You nodded and let him continue speaking.

Triple H: Recently, we gave call ups to some superstars from NXT. Those superstars include Kyle O'Reilly, Roderick Strong, and Bobby Fish. What we want to do is to have the bullet club be attacked by unknown attackers, and creative team decided that Undisputed Era would be a perfect rivalry. Tomorrow night on Raw, Adam will be reavealed as the one to lead Undisputed Era which will turn him heel as he and the other members to attack two members of the bullet club.

You: What does that mean for the title collection though? Adam's the U.S. champion.

Hunter: Good question. We have some ideas about that, but we'll talk about that as Wrestlemania gets closer.

You: Understood.

You and Adam shook his hand before you both walked out of the office.

Adam: Can't wait to reunite with some old buddies of mine.

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