Last Night in NXT

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Time went as you were currently at the PC, keeping your physique in check. You came to your last pullup until you felt a hand on your shoulder, it's Finn

Finn: Hey man, did you hear the news?

You: No, what's up?

Finn: Hunter wanted me to tell you that Aj and Adam are on board for bringing the bullet club to WWE. He wants you on the main roster as soon as possible.

You: Wow. I've only been NXT champion for only a couple of months.

Finn: That's another thing, he also said that he wants to talk to you about it sometime soon.

You: Ok. Thanks man.

After getting the news, you had an idea.

You: Up for a challenge?

Finn: Up for anything. Meet me in the weights.

*30 minutes later*

After half an hour went by, Lexi walked into the weight room, watching you push as hard as you could with the weights while Finn watched over you to make sure you don't kill yourself. Lexi walked over after you put the bar up. You sat up, only to meet with Lexi's lips connecting to yours. After pulling away, you smiled at her and stood up.

You: Well, I think that's enough for today.

Finn: Couldn't agree more. Gotta go, my girlfriend's waiting for me.

You and Lexi look at him dumbfounded.

You and Lexi: Girlfriend?

All of a sudden, Becky greeted us after she walked in and gave Finn a quick kiss after he stood up.

Becky: Hey babe. Ready to go?

Finn: Yeah let's go.

Both of them said bye to you two. After they left, you and Lexi looked at each other, confused and a little surprised with what you two saw.

Lexi: Since when did they become a couple?

You: Idk, but you gotta admit that they go perfectly together.

Lexi: Irish power couple... I like it. Ready to go?

You: Definitely.

After gathering your stuff, you and Lexi head out.

*2 months pass*

Tonight was your last night in NXT. You were currently texting Lexi from your locker room as she did the same from her seat in the crowd, here to watch your final match in NXT. While waiting for your cue, you heard a knock at the door to your locker room.

You: Come in!

The door opens to reveal Triple H.

Hunter: Hey buddy. How are you holding up?

You: I'm feeling alright, just a little nervous.

Triple H: Don't worry, you'll be just fine. I just wanted to come by and give you some last minute instructions for tonight.

You: I'm listening.

Triple H: Of course you know that tonight's your last night in NXT and the night you drop your title to Aleister Black. You also know that Summerslam is around the corner, but it's also your in-ring debut in a tag team match with Braun Strowman against Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre.  You guys win, but there's a twist.

You: Which is?

Triple H smiles and opens the door to reveal AJ, Finn, Adam, Luke, and Karl. The rest of the bullet club.

Triple H: The Bullet Club attacks Braun Strowman and you reveal yourself as one of the leaders.

You smiled at the site of the whole bullet club finally back together. You look over to Hunter as he looked back at you and also smiled.

You: We're gonna need a bigger wrestling ring.

After the final instructions and catching up with the guys for a little bit, you got your cue to head to the gorilla and get ready for your final match in NXT. When you got to the gorilla, you came across Lexi, surprised. The two of you greeted each other and kissed.

You: Hey, what you doing back here?

Lexi: Here to calm you down before your match. Nervous?

You: Nah. I know what needs to be done. Just wait until we can be able to travel together.

Lexi:  Hell yeah we are.

You smiled at Lexi as she did the same and kissed you again before your music started playing.

Lexi: Have fun babe. Love you.

You: Love you too.

You walk out and hold the NXT title up high one last time and walk to the ring. After a minute, Aleister Black's theme starts playing. His entrance was pretty cool. He walks to the ring and gets inside. After the music cuts, you and Aleister lock up.

*45 minutes later*

Punch after punch. Blow after blow. You two were exhausted from the fight. You hit your new finisher, the black out, and go for the cover. 1...2...kick out. The crowd was shocked by the whole match. You go up top and attempt a leg drop, but Aleister reverses it and kicks you off the rope. He whispers to you.

Aleister: Let's end this.

You: Ok. Kick me.

Aleister gets you up, hits you with black mass, and goes for the cover. 1...2...3. The bell rings as Aleister stands up and raises the NXT title. After you stood up, Aleister offered his hand for you to shake and you gladly accepted. The two of you raise your arms up before walking backstage. You walk in to the sight of the NXT locker room, Triple H, and the members of the bullet club, applauding your guys' performance.

Triple H: The was an excellent performance you guys! Tomorrow is the official debut of not only R/N, but also the formation of the bullet club! Thank you everyone!

Everyone applauds as you bro hug Aleister and watch him walk away until you turn around to see Lexi, with tears of joy in her eyes. You look at Hunter.

Triple H: Go ahead. She's been waiting for you. Go celebrate with your girl.

You nod and hug Hunter and say goodbye to him before running over to Lexi and sweeping her off her feet in a hug.

Lexi: Words cannot explain on how proud I am of you Y/N!

You: Thanks babe.

Lexi: Wanna celebrate when we get back to the hotel?

You perch your head up and give her an excited smile. Lexi giggles at your response.

Lexi: Me too.

You: I need a shower first.

After you took a quick shower and got everything you needed, you and Lexi head straight to the hotel. You get to your room and the two of you start undressing.

*2 hours later*

After 2 long hours of some great sex, Lexi collapses on your chest as the two of you were panting hard.

Lexi: That... was... amazing.

You: Hell yeah.

You ran your hand through her hair while she was resting her head on your chest.

Lexi: I'm so glad that you chose to get back in the ring.

You: Same. Now I know that feeling that I've been missing for the last few years.

Lexi: Which is?

You: Everthing about wrestling.

Lexi nodded and kissed you.

You: Round 2?

Lexi: Maybe in the morning.

Lexi booped you on the nose.

You: You're such a tease.

Lexi: They dont call me the goddess for nothing sweetie. Haha.

You kissed her again before the both of you fell asleep....

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