Not Yet

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*2 Days Later*

TLC had come around to Denver, CO and the bullet club hadn't been so lucky tonight. Finn wasn't able to beat Brock, Becky took Ronda to the limit, but didn't come out victorious and Lexi tried all she could to beat Charlotte, but was unsuccessful. The only success the bc had for tonight was when Adam won the United States Championship against Shinsuke Nakamura and that was pretty much it. Suddenly, you get called up for your match against Daniel

AJ: Break a Leg brother

You nod before you and Lexi stood up and made your way to the gorilla. After Daniel's music cut off, your music played as you walked out with Lexi and made your way to the ring. Shortly, you ran into the ring and started to attack Daniel as the bell rang and you continued to beat him up

*30 minutes later*

You were on top of the ladder about to reach the WWE title until Erik Rowan came out as he walked down the ramp and got in the ring before he pushed you off the ladder and walked backstage. Daniel gets to the top of the ladder and pulls the championship belt down and retains the title. Afterwards, you walked backstage and had a quick meeting with both factions of the bullet club in Hunter's office

Triple H: Ok. First off, I want to say congrats to Adam for winning the United States Title. Also, you all tried your best tonight and managed to get at least one championship. I know you're probably wondering why everything went down the way it did tonight. What creative team wants is to have both factions of the bullet club slowly win titles at pay-per-views. So at the Royal Rumble, Finn will have another chance to face Brock for the Universal Championship in a No Disqualification match, while Y/N will also have another chance to face Daniel for the WWE title, but in a extreme rules match.

You and everyone else nodded at the idea

Hunter: The next titles that the bullet club will win will be at the Royal Rumble when Gallows and Anderson beat Gable and Roode for the Raw tag team titles and AJ will win the Intercontinental Championship against Bobby Lashley

AJ: Not my type of competition, but I'll take it

Triple H: Don't worry, better things will come. Thank you all and have a good rest of your nights

You shook his hand before all of you walked out and went your separate ways except you, Lexi, Finn, and Becky. After all of you took showers and got changed, all four of you took off in your car and drove back to the hotel

*The Next Morning*

You woke up with Lexi in your arms. You tried to get up, but she held your arm before you could get up

Lexi: No. Just a few more minutes

You nod and go back to cuddling with her. After a few minutes both you and Lexi rose up from the bed and just layed there

You: Lexi?

Lexi: Hmm?

You: How would you feel about moving in with me?

Lexi looked at you like you were crazy until she gave you an answer.

Lexi: Well.... umm.... I don't know.

You looked at her and knew what was going through her mind.

You: Is it because of.... him?

Lexi nodded slowly as you sighed

You: Go ahead.... tell me what happened

Lexi: Well... it's just that... Murphy tried to make our past relationship go a lot faster than what most couples would do. But... after I moved in with him... he started to change as a person. You see, when I met him, he was a sweet and caring guy, but after I moved in with him, he started to act like he didn't want me around and pretty much put our relationship on the rocks and then you know what he did with Sasha. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move in with you just yet.

You brush her hair out of her face and hold her hand

You: It's ok. I understand how you feel. I was just curious, but here's the truth. I'm... not... Murphy. And I never will be. If you feel like that you're not ready yet, then it's ok. I can wait. I'm not gonna pressure you into moving in with me, but I'm also gonna give you a chance to think about it.

Lexi smiled and looked into your E/C eyes

Lexi: Thanks. I just don't want to take things too fast. I love you, but we're pretty much on the road 24/7. And I haven't been living with anyone since I left Murphy.

You: Oh...

Lexi traced circles on your chest and cuddled with you some more until she started to tease you for a couple of minutes before she stopped.

You: Go get ready. Let's make this day a special one.

Lexi: Ok

Lexi kissed you and got up to get ready for the day. You and Lexi had a day to yourselves by taking a walk and touring around Denver before Raw. After Raw had ended, you and Lexi went out on a double date with Finn and Becky that night. Afterwards, you and Lexi got back to your room and went to sleep........

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