The Offer

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*Three Months Later*

Three months have gone by and you were currently in Los Angeles with Lexi for your final show with Panic! At the Disco. Brendon Urie had been released from rehab and made a surprise appearance in Fresno and you two did a duet together. You announced to the fanbase that this would be your final show with Panic! and that you were gonna be going your separate ways from the band after this last show of the tour. Brendon highly appreciated what you've done for the band and you two had become good friends since then. Your status with Lexi had changed since you two met as it got to a point to where she clearly had a crush on you. You knew it that you liked her too, but you've kept it concealed for far too long. You were currently on stage with Brendon as the acoustic/piano set was coming to a close.

*Your POV*

The show had been going great so far. We were about to start the next song before I looked over to Lexi as she just smiled at me and blew a kiss towards me. I smirked at her as Brendon started to play the piano and played the opening notes to Bohemian Rhapsody and I began to sing.

Later on, Brendon joined in and we sang together. I sat on the stage in front of Lexi as I was singing to her. I don't know what it was, but every time I looked directly into Lexi's eyes, they just sparkled like out of nowhere. As the song was about to end, I gave it all of what I got and just belted the last part of the song and joined Brendon at the piano as we both finished the song. 

*Later On* 

This was it... the last song. And my final performance. The song started as I put the mic up to my lips and spoke to the crowd.

You: Alright Everyone this is our final song together! Thank you all for the support and thank you to Panic! for giving me the chance of a lifetime! 

Brendon: And thank you everyone for waiting patiently for my return! This is LA Devotee!

The song starts as we started to sing.

The song had ended as the band kept playing and I was high living the fans before I leaned down and kissed Lexi on the cheek. She smiled and cheered as this amazing night had come to a close. The band stopped playing before I put the mic back up to my lips and started to speak.

You: Thank you so much LA! Thank you Panic! at the Disco for everything! Farewell and Goodnight!

The crowd roared in amazement and gratitude. As me and Brendon walked off stage with the rest of the band. Afterwards, we went our separate ways before I met Lexi outside the arena, with tears in her eyes. 

*Lexi's POV*

Oh my god! That was the greatest concert I've ever been apart of! Y/N rocked the place with the guys. Tonight was a night that I'll never forget. It was so good I joyfully cried after the show. I met up with Y/N outside before I ran into his arms as he swept me off the ground and into a hug. I silently laughed shortly before he put me down and kept hugging me. After we released out hug, we looked deep into each other's eyes before one of us spoke.

You: Wanna head out and celebrate with the guys?

Lexi: Let's do it.

Y/N walked with me to his car before he opened my door and I got in his car. After a few minutes on the road, we pulled into the hotel parking lot.

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