Opening Up

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You woke up after a long deserved rest from last night's concert. You reach over to the nightstand and check your phone. Alexa had texted you last night, but of course you were tired and sleepy from the concert. You open your phone and read the message from Alexa.

Alexa (In Text): Hey Y/N, Umm... would it be cool if we met up soon? I need someone to talk to like badly.

You (In Text): Why? I'm gonna be seeing you and everyone else later tonight. Is there something wrong?

Alexa (In Text): Uh..... Yes. It's kind of a long story. Would you be able to meet up with me later today before Raw?

You (In Text): Sure. I don't have to be at my next show in Dallas until Wednesday anyway. Anywhere in particular that you wanna meet at?

Alexa (In Text): I know where there's a good cafe near the arena. Meet me there at 2? I'll send you to the directions.

You (In Text): Sounds good. See you then.

Alexa (In text): See you there. 

You put your phone down and get ready for your day.

*Your POV*

It had been a few hours since Alexa texted me. I was currently in the gym, finishing up my workout as I did my last rep. I look over to see a couple of girls checking me out. They lightly waved and winked at me as I put the weight down and smile at them. I gather all of my stuff and head back to my hotel. I get back to my hotel to take a shower and I check the time. 1:00 p.m. I get in the shower and clean myself. After I got out, I put on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, comb my hair, and put my shoes on before I get a text saying that she's on her way. I reply to her text, grab my wallet and keys, and head over to meet Alexa.

*A few minutes later*

I find a parking spot and pull in. What does she want to talk about? Was it something I did at the concert? Probably not, but who knows? I snap out of my thoughts after I get out of my car and see Alexa. She looks sad. What happened? She hugs me very tightly and I hug her back. She releases and looks up at me with a sad face. I can tell by the look in her eyes that something was troubling her.

Lexi: Did anyone tell you what happened?

I shook my head in response as she leaned in and whispered in my ear.

Lexi: Murphy cheated on me with Sasha.

I hug her again shortly after hearing that. After we ordered some coffee, Alexa told me the story of what happened last night and everything else that was going on between the two. I just sat there and listened... to every single word she said.

*Lexi's POV*

Lexi: And now.... I just cut him from my life and I never want to hear from him ever again.

I took a breath and just stared into Y/N's eyes.

You: So he planned to get in her pants while you were gone?

I just nodded slowly.

You: Obviously he doesn't deserve you if he just decided go behind your back like that. 

Lexi: I've been with him for so long that... I just sit here and think, "Why? Just Why?"

You: Here's the thing about that Alexa. You probably need to stop asking yourself questions and try to find an answer. I mean, yes you had every right to be mad at him, but did he ever say why he decided to cheat on you in the first place. I mean, I've been in situations way worse than what you've gone through since last night.

High Hopes (Alexa Bliss x Male Reader) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now