Back to Colorado

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*Emily's POV*

I wake up trying to find the blankets to cover me up but I couldn't feel them . I open my eyes seeing that we all passed out on the couch . I slowly move Cameron's arms from my waist and tiptoe to the kitchen . I start boiling some water for tea and turn the heater up .

I go upstairs to wash up . I looking in the mirror noticing the pimple on my forehead "Fricken A" I say grabbing my face wash . I quickly brush my teeth and clean the sink area up .

Before heading down I grab one of cam's merch hoodies from his closet and slip it on . As I walk downstairs I hear the front door close an I freeze . I tiptoe down looking to see who it was but I didn't spot anyone , maybe they left ? As I was walking back to the kitchen a pair of hands pull me back .

"Boo !" Cameron yells and I smack his arm "You fucken scared me !" I shriek "I'm sorry" he says pouting . I hug him as he picks me up holding me around his torso "You keep taking my sweaters" he laughs placing his lips on mine . He places me down an pushes me against the wall .

His hands began moving down towards my butt and I push my hands through his hair . I bit his lip gently as he grins .

We step back taking a breath as he looks at my with those killer brown eyes . "it's only been you" he bites his lip "No one else" he finishes off . the water starts to simmer and I quickly run to the kitchen and turn the stove off . I run the pot under cold water for a little to cool it off . I pour the water into one of the mugs from the cabinet and put a green tea packet in .

When I turn around Cameron is sitting on the counter in his phone . I walk over to him and stand between his legs "You've always been the one" I say laying my head on his chest . I hear a camera sound an I look up to see Cameron smiling "Let me see it!" I play as he teases me "It's for my snapcat" he tells me . I grab his phone and take a picture of our smiling and post it to his snapchat .

I take a sip of my tea and start to toast a bagel . I spread some cream cheese on it and take bite, giving Cameron one too "I think I'm ganna go visit my mom again before I leave" I tell Cameron "I think that would be nice" he replys getting down from the counter and kissing me on the cheek . After I finished my bagel I cleaned up and headed upstairs "I'm ganna take a shower" "not without me !" Cameron yells running into the bathroom

"Cameron I need a shower" I sass him "Lets save water , shower together" he throws me a cheesy smile , i roll my eyes and give in "Okay then" I began taking off my clothes and hop in Cameron doing the same . I stand under the warm water as it trails down my sink . Cameron moves closer to me looking down at me . He lifts my chin pressing his lips against mine, while holding my waist .

"Cameron , you mean the world to me" I quietly say as we stop the kiss "You are my world" I smile as kisses my temple . After washing up I hop out and wrap myself in a towel an walking into the room . I slip on my purple undies , and white bra . I put my tights on and a sliver knitted sweater .

I walk back into the bathroom as Cameron was walking out . I take my hair our the towel and comb it through . I braid it into a side braid placing some bobby pins here and there . I apply some foundation and mascara and walk back out . Slip on my boots and take my suitcase out of the closet . I start putting everything back in and I fold Cameron's sweater placing it on his bed .

"Take it with you" he hands in back. I look up at him and smile placing it into my suitcase "It smells like you" I smile as he makes a confused face "is that bad ?" he asks and I laugh "no it's good"

After I finished up I called my mom "Hey sweetie , what's up ?" "hey mom , Are you busy today ?" "no I am not" she replys "Do you wanna go have some lunch with me ?" I ask "Of course !" "I'll pick you up at 12" I laugh "see you then"

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