Thank You~Farewell

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Thank you to everyone who read this book and enjoyed it and voted on it. Thank you very much. I know some things should be left alone and wouldn't need a sequel but if y'all want a sequel just vote here👇🏻 Comment yes or a sequel and no for no sequel

Yes, there should be a sequel

No, it's perfect being a line book

But anyways, thank you all. I had a wonderful journey. I know it's been a while to write but I didn't know if I should have the happy ending now or later but I decided now. So I updated. Hope you all enjoyed and give feedback please.

And please read some of my other stories, that would mean a lot to me. Very much.

But thank you all, you took me far with this, fare-well. And see you next time.

~Love your stupid Author🥴
Cassie Lang✌🏻
Jk, but your Author Cassie✌🏻

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