{Im Here For You}11

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School was finally over

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School was finally over. Peter was currently waiting for Isabelle outside with no one around. Isabelle came out the door with a face that read annoyance and that read that she's done with everything.

"Hey" Peter said smiling. "Let's go" She responded. Peter looked around and jumped over the fence doors with his powers.

Isabelle rolled her eyes and just opened the fence doors with her mind. "Let's go get sandwiches. I have a lot of questions for u" Peter said with a smile and the two started walking.

"So... ask away" Isabelle said. Someone help me. Steve, Wanda, Or Sam! Call me and say I need to go home! Isabelle thought.

"If I ramble, I'm sorry" He said and took a deep breath in and then exhaled.

"Ok first. How was it like being in the avengers?" "Well, it was amazing"

"How long have u been apart of it?"

"Where were u born?"

"What do u like to do for your hobbies?"

"Peter!" Isabelle said and they both stopped and he looked at her.

"Let me answer those before u go on." "Idk. None of your business. And still none of your business."

"I'm supposed to try and get to know you better. So what are your hobbies" He asked once more.

"Reading, dancing, and singing" Isabelle answered and Peter smiled at the fact that she answered. They continued walking and Peter continued with his questions.

"Ok anyways. What's the worst thing you've ever done?" Peter asked and memories started going through her head.

"Were u born with powers? Or how did u get them?"

"Do u have any other siblings, other then Wanda? Like a sister or brother?"

The young girl was walking with her head down and crying.

"Isabelle?" He asked and stop her from walking any more.

She quickly rubbed her eyes hoping they wouldn't look red. When she looked back up she saw a worried Peter. Tho, she didn't smile to hide her sadness.

"Wh-what's wrong?" He asked with worry.

"I don't wanna talk about these things Peter" She said. She tried, but she continued to cry.

"You're? You're crying? What did I ask that made u cry?" He asked.

"Plz Peter. Those questions u asked make me feel pain inside. Sadness. I don't-" "If u don't speak to someone about it... then you're gonna keep feeling this pain forever. You need to talk to someone. And what better person than me" He said with a smile.

"I-I got my powers... through Hydra. Along with my older siblings. Their twins. Wanda and Pietro. I wasn't a good person who used their powers for good. I was made and chose to use it for evil." Isabelle said with tears running down her cheeks.

"Once Hydra fell, I went away from my siblings and did some horrible things. Terrible things that I regret today. I killed people" She said covering her face with her hands.

"Then I went with my siblings and we helped Ultron get revenge on Tony. We three eventually started helping the Avengers. But because of Ultron, my life change. The worst thing in my life wasn't hydra, or the people I killed. It was my brother dying in front of me" Isabelle cried. She sniffled and tried to stop crying.

"Is that why u act like a badass?" "Maybe. Idk. It could be" She said and started breathing heavily just thinking about it. Isabelle calmed herself down.

"I just miss him. And it's all my fault. If only I had pushed him out the way and maybe save both of us or save him, so I could die instead of him."

"Isabelle, i know it's not your fault. Definitely not. And you save people. That's your job. And I think you're brother would be proud of u" He said with a small smile.

Isabelle hugged Peter, crying on his shoulder. At first Peter froze, he was shocked but hugged back.

He rubbed her back for comfort. When she pulled away she rubbed the tears off her face and took a deep breath in and out.

"Isabelle, I'm here for u. If u need anything I'm there" He said with a smile and she just looked at him with sad eyes.

She felt something inside. She had no idea what the feeling was inside, she has never felt it before. But she knew she wanted to be around Peter more now.

Her response was a smile a real smile. "You're smiling. I've never seen u smile before" Peter said then she stopped smiling immediately and stood up with posture.

"i wasn't smiling" She said snd Peter responded with a laugh and she started walking.

"Don't get used to it. We're not friends" She said.

Peter caught up with her and the two got sandwiches and ate it. "This is good" Isabelle said with a full mouth and Peter laughed.

"I have to go Peter. But I'll see u tm" The young girl said and the boy nodded. "Wait... u will?" He asked and Isabelle rolled her eyes.

"Maybe. Now bye"

"Bye. I got some spider man duties" He said and then she laughed and waved bye as she walked away.

Peter ran to an alley and took his clothes off and put his spider man suit. He pressed the button on his chest and his suit was his size. The spider ling swung up and jumped from a building to another.

"Finally" He said.
•Isabelle's Pov•
I walked home and see Wanda at the table having a little snack.

"Hi sis" She said with a happy smile.

"Hi" She responded. "How was your day?"

"I'll tell u everything that happened later"

"I hear a little witch!" Isabelle hears someone say coming into the room.

"Clint!" She said and ran to hug the man.

"Hey kiddo. How are u?" "Amazing." "I need to know. What's got u all smiley?" Wanda asked.

"Isabelle?! Where were u? You were supposed to be home 30 minutes ago" Steve said his voice raising a bit.

"Steve calm down" Sam said and smiled at Isabelle.

"Hey Belle. I see you're happy. For... a reason" Sam said with a smile then with furrowed eye brows.

•Isabelle's Pov•
I stopped smiling and cleared my throat. "I'm not happy."

"U were basically jumping when u came in" Wanda said and I rolled my eyes.

"No I was not. Ima go do my homework now"

I walked to my room and sighed as I closed it behind me. Then I smiled as I thought of Peter. "What the fuck... just happened to me?"

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