Chapter 24~Smooth Criminal!

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I was finally back at home. And I felt horrible. Reporters had found my friend Stephanie's old apartment. They had ruthlessly been calling here. They would not let up and leave me in peace. Stephanie was thinking of changing her phone number. I had given up my old place to move to Neverland with Michael. So, when I came back home there was no home for me to go to. Stephanie was allowing me to stay in her spare bedroom for the time being.

I would later need to find a job. So, I could help with the bills around here. Stephanie did not want me to worry about all of it. She wanted me to have some time for myself. She was truly a wonderful friend. I was grateful to her.

I kept rereading Michael's goodbye letter to the letter he left in the gift. It did not add up to me. I lay on the couch in my sweatpants. Tears kept wanting to fall. I went through so much ice cream this past week I was going to need a gym membership.

"I picked up a few more tubs of Ben and Jerry's" Stephanie cheerfully says as she comes in with the groceries. She had a few bags. I get up off my lazy duff and help her carry it in.

I laugh. "You should not have bought me more. I am going to turn into a fat ass" I warn her.

"I love my ice cream. I need it you need it for sure right now. A girl's best friend" she jokes.

We begin to put the food away after she takes off her coat and boots. It was a cold day out there. The phone rings again. I was seriously ready to take that phone off the hook. The calling was bugging me so badly. Why would they not leave me alone? I was hurting here.

And I needed time to heal. Not that they all cared. I was just another story to them. They wanted to know why Michael did not show up for the wedding. And I could not tell them. Because truthfully, I did not know. They would all ask where Michael was. How as Michael. And I did not want to talk about him.

"Ignore it! Let it go to voicemail" Stephanie tells me.

I nod in agreement with her. It rings. I wince. It rings again. She winces. Then smiles. We kept going about our business. I was about to pull that phone off it's ringer. I could not stand it. I bite my lip. I was about to walk over there when the phone beeps going to voicemail. The ringing stopped. I sigh feeling relief.

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"Hi there is Myra there? This is Janet. I am so sorry to call here. I am. But I do not know what to do! I called the police they do not think there is anything to worry about. It is Mike! He has not called anyone. I am really scared. I don't know what to do...."

I grab the phone before she hangs up. "Janet?" I answer breathlessly. "What is going on?"

"Mike has not come home. No one has heard from him. No family. Not even my mom. I was wondering have you heard from him? We are all really worried about him" Janet explains to me on the phone.

My heart races. I knew something was wrong. Janet knew it to.

"I am sorry to tell you this. But I have not heard from him at all" I tell her. "I mean he did break up with me. I think the last one to hear from him was Dante. That cop. He gave me that letter. A goodbye letter" I say to her.

"Dante? He heard from Mike? He never told us that. He infact swore up and down that he had no contact with Mike. That is odd. He never told me he gave you a letter or spoke with him" Janet mutters sounding confused.

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"I knew something was not right. Mike was so in love and I was. Why would he leave the wedding? I think something has happened to him Janet. Maybe they have him. They were after Mike" I remind her.

"But he had written the letter. Was it in his hand writing?" asks Janet.

"Yes, it was his handwriting" I tell her.

"I don't get it. It does not add up" Janet worries.

"I told you. So, Dante told you he had not heard from Mike at all?" I wonder.

"He claims he has not heard from Mike. Not before the wedding. Not after the wedding" she explains to me.

"Well that is funny. Because he told me the day after that he was there because Mike had asked him to watch over me. That Mike was worried about me" I tell her.


"And he told me he spoke to him before the wedding. He was the one who gave me the letter" I warn her. "How did he get the letter? It was in Mike's handwriting?! He has to know where Mike is", I declare.



"Can you and Stephanie fly out here to Neverland with me? I will pay for you to. I need help. We need to find Mike. Something is wrong. I know it" Janet worries. "After we find Mike you are free to leave or stay. I need help. I have to find my brother"

I take a deep breath. Stephanie is looking over at me curiously. "Alright. I will do it. I will come out to Neverland" I agree.

"I will send one of our private planes to get you" offers Janet. "See you soon" she says as she hangs up the phone.

Stephanie comes over to my side. "What is going on? What is this about Neverland?" she questions me.

I have her sit down on the couch. I tell her everything Janet told me. She nods. "That is odd" she agrees. "Do you think he was maybe kidnapped before the wedding?" worries Stephanie. "Mike had been worried. And maybe that was why he did not show up"

"But the letter? Why would he write me a goodbye letter?" I wonder out loud.

"Maybe he was forced to?" says Stephanie.

"Those Nancy Drews you have been reading over the years are paying off Steph" I giggle. "Maybe you are onto something" I tell her.

Hope surges in my heart. Was Michael forced to leave? And forced to write the letter? Did he not want to break up with me? Was he off some where needing my help?

Maybe he was hiding out and not wanting to confront the fact he dumped me. My head was so confused. The only way I was going to get any answers and any closure was if I went back to Neverland. And found Mike. Then maybe I could move on once I knew and try to let Mike go. My heart really did not want to.

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