Chapter 14~PYT

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It was such a busy day for me. And all I wanted to do was spend my whole afternoon planning my wedding with Myra. I was so overjoyed that she was here. Where she belonged. And she accepted me for who I was.

As I accepted her. I was done at last with my last phone call. I had so much to make up for. But at least my music company was understanding now that they knew what went on to make me leave like I had. And the people who had been trying to take my life were behind bars now.

Now I could get my life back. And have Myra back in my life to. I had it all. Never had I been so happy as I was this past week. I bite my lip smiling and thinking about how Myra had engaged me in that pie fight.

That was so much fun. My inner boy loved it. Then she fed the adult soul in me right after that. We made love. She was so perfect for me. In every-way. I only hoped she understood that.

I go over the last email. Then I decided I was done with work for the day. I wanted to begin to plan this Christmas wedding. That was all I cared about right now. Making Myra my wife. She was going to be. I hoped to move this wedding date up as soon as we could.

I would marry the girl today if she would allow me to. I looked for Myra all over the house. That took me some time. But I could not find her. So, she had to be outside. It was a wonderful day after all.

Why spend it inside? She was a lot like me. I enjoyed being outside too. Whenever I had the chance, I enjoyed taking in all the nature that this Earth had to give me. Great minds think alike. I head outside. Soon I spot Myra right away.

She is laying by the pool. Wearing a stunning bikini. A hot pink one. My mouth begins to water seeing her like that. I spot the gold ankle bracelet she had on her left foot. During my time with her celebrating her birthday for the first time I had bought her that!

She still had it. I smile happily. She had her shades on. Just resting there. Looking beautiful. Her hair was pulled up in a tight little bun on top of her head. I sit down beside her on the chair.

"Michael! Hi!" she gushes happily when she spots me there.

I grin at her. "I am done for the day at last. Now all my time is going to you" I offer to her.

She looks pleased by that. "Great! Michael it is such a warm day out want to take a swim with me?" she asks me.

I hated to be seen in my swim trunks. I wished I was a little more buff for her. But she seemed pleased with what I was. "I don't know baby" I laugh.

"Come on Mikey" she begs me. She makes a pouty face.

"Fine" I laugh. "You win" I chuckle.

She grins. I lean down and kiss her on the lips. "Anything for you baby" I promise her.

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