Chapter 9~Keep It In The Closet!

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Keep It In The ClosetMyra

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Keep It In The Closet

I had taken the next week off. I had not had time off in a long time. Everyone was pouring into my work place ever since they all learned that I had been dating Michael Jackson. Even girls who used to loath me in high school were after me to get me to tell them all about dating him.

I refused. I had reporters after me. Not to mention Michael was still calling me. I wrote him a letter. Since making sure it got to him right away I had not heard another word from him.

Why could he not understand my point of view? Where I was coming from? I was humiliated in front of the entire world! Everyone even said how could this girl not know it was Michael?

I felt so stupid. Now that I looked back on everything I saw the signs. I should have saw them a long time ago, but I did not. I was dumb like they all said I was.

Tears escape my eyes again. I glance down at the anniversary card he had given to me. What a joke that was. I read the card. I wondered if he meant a word he told me. Or he was just lonely and looking for a piece of action on the side. He really fooled me. I notice on the card he scribbled out something under the fake name Fletcher.

It looked like he was going to write Michael. How had I not noticed that? I toss the card to the floor. I had been crying all day. Drowning my sorrows in Ben And Jerry's tubs of ice cream. I needed to get to the local gym. Get out of here. I head to my bedroom.

It was a mess in there. I spot his old shirt he had left behind. A work shirt in our dirty laundry pile. I lean down picking up the shirt. Tears fill my eyes. I can still smell him on the shirt. I clutch the shirt to me. Even if he never once really loved me, I had loved him with my whole heart. Who ever he was.

I toss the shirt in the trash. Fletcher was not going to need his work shirt any time soon. I sit on the couch again feeling defeat. I had been watching old songs of Michaels. I still could not believe all those nights I thought I was with someone else, well, I was with him. I sigh.

♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ

Someone knocks on the door. I brace myself to act like I was not home. I did not want anyone to know I was there. They could leave me be. Let me clean my wounds as they say. Why could not anyone understand that I needed time alone. I was hurting! I was human!!

"Myra, I know you are in there! Myra it is me. Steph" I hear my best friend saying on the other side of the door. I swing the door open and allow her to come in. She hugs me after I shut the door.

I smile sadly at her. "Sorry about that. People have been hounding me"

"I know" she nods. There is a crowd outside" she says.

"They seem to think this is a game. Or a circus. How in the hell am I going to get my life back?" I moan softly. I go to the window. We peek past the curtains. Sure, enough nearly the whole town was out there.

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