Chapter 17-I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause!

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I could not believe that Christmas time was coming right around the corner. What the hell was I supposed to get for Michael? I mean the man had everything you could think of. And how was I supposed to get him something for that and for our wedding day?

I called his sister Janet and asked her if she could go shopping with me. It was easy when Michael was well Fletcher. Not Michael!

But Fletcher did not have a dime to his name. So, he needed everything. I could have baked Michael a treat for Christmas. But let's face it. I am not a good cook. Even though I did enjoy cooking.

"Baby what are you doing later tonight?" Michael asks me as he comes up kissing me on the neck as I was looking through catalogs

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"Baby what are you doing later tonight?" Michael asks me as he comes up kissing me on the neck as I was looking through catalogs.

"Going out with Janet. Why?" I ask him.

He pouts. "Come on!! This is like the third night in a row you have been hanging out with my sister. When do I get some alone time with my bride to be before our wedding?" he mutters unhappily.

"Michael baby, I am only shopping for you. I want to get you something for Christmas. And you are not easy to buy for" I point out. He grins.

He kisses me. "You don't have to get me a thing"

"I do so" I tell him.

"Well make me something. What if we both make our gifts. In fact, I have been making you something special" he tells me.

I grin. "Really? What have you been working on?" I beg to know.

He shakes his head no. "No no. You have to wait until Christmas Eve"

I laugh. "Aw come on" I pout. "one little hint" I beg.

"You will love it. You will be surprised. So how about that? We make gifts for each other?" he asks me.

I nod. "I could do that. Sure"

"Great! We have enough going on right now. Now you can call Janet and cancel that shopping trip, right?" he jokes.

I shake my head. "No, now I have to make a trip over to the craft store" I tease.

He sighs. "I just can't win, can I?"

"Sorry babe. I promise we will not be out that long. And I will have my whole night all for you" I vow.

"Sounds fantastic" he says to me. He leans in kissing me.

"Michael?" I ask.

"Yes babe?"

"When are we going to decorate Neverland for Christmas? I think we have waited long enough. I mean sure it has only been a week after Thanksgiving. But I really want to decorate this place" I beg him. I loved Christmas time.

"Sure, we can decorate this place. I have fake trees. I will not use a real one and waist a life" he warns me. "Is that alright?"

"Sure, that is fine. I do not mind. We always had fake trees during the holidays" I tell him.

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Janet comes in. We had to get the guards ready. Michael was not allowing me out of Neverland without guards. And someone watching my every move. I was not used to not being able to go where I wanted to when I wanted to.

But I understood why he was so careful about keeping me safe. I was grateful for him doing so. It was going to be hard shopping with other people watching us doing it. I had a lot of things to get used to in my life. But it was worth it being with Michael.

"Are you ready to go out?" Janet asks me as she sets down beside Michael on the couch.

"I will be. Let me go grab my coat in the bedroom. I left it in there. It is chilly tonight" I tell her. "Oh, we are changing plans. I need to go to a craft store. Not the mall" I tell her before I walk away.

"Craft store?" I hear her mutter with confusion.

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So, I head in my bedroom that I share with Michael. I slip on my tennis shoes. And look around for my purse. What was I going to make for Michael?? I see a photo of us over on his night stand. One of when we first began to date.

We looked so happy. So, in love. I smile as I hold the photo in my hand. An idea came to me. I knew what to make Michael for his Christmas gift. He would treasure it!! It was perfect! I could make him a scrapbook memory of all new photos of us and old photos of us.

I had some photos printed out recently. And I was going to need other supplies to make this book. I could make a memories scrapbook. I loved photography.

I had taken many photos of Michael to that I loved over this time we shared with each other. I could write little sayings in my own hand writing. Maybe some quotes about true love. I smile. I was getting excited to start working on this project! It was going to be perfect! I look up because I hear a noise over by the window.

I see a shadow figure near one of the bushes by the window. A chill bubbles in my chest. I hear a tapping noise. I make my way over to the window as fast as I could move.

But by the time I made my way over there the shadow figure was gone now. And I hear someone blowing dead leaves outside. They were working on the yard. The man waves at me. Smiling at me. I wave back. Then move back away from the window. What was out there? It was not that man. Something odd was going on. Something felt off.

Very off.

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"Baby, Janet is ready. Are you?" Michael asks me as he places his hands on my shoulders causing me to jump. He startled me. "Babe what is wrong? Did you see a ghost Myra?" he chuckles.

"I thought I saw something over there by the window. Looking in. But it was all in my head. It is gone now. Do not worry about it" I stammer.

"Are you sure? I can get the guards to check it out" he offers.

I shake my head. "No one was there. I looked myself" I promise him.

He leans in kissing me. "Have fun with Janet. Please do not stay out to long. I want to spend some quality time with my best girl okay?" he asks me.

"Alright. I always have time for you Michael" I vow.

He smiles then plants another kiss on my lips. Then he leads me out of the room. For some odd reason I just can't get the shadow figure by the window out of my head. Hopefully it was nothing to be to worried over.

I was just worried about those men trying to harm Michael. I mean he had risked everything to make everyone think he had died. He had gone into hiding over them. They had been dangerous. I wanted Michael to be safe. I loved him with all my heart. I would never let them harm him again.

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