Chapter 19-I'll Be Home For Christmas!

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I was so excited about the upcoming wedding to Myra. One more day and we were going to be man and wife. Nothing was going to get in our way. Nothing was going to stop us now. I was to marry the love of my life.

No press. Just my family and my sweet adorable Myra. I could not wait to marry her. Start a family with her. I was so happy being with her. Our plans all came into place. The wedding was tomorrow night!!

"Michael can you come in the theatre please" Myra sweetly asks me.

I had been in the kitchen baking some cookies for us to enjoy later tonight.

"Sure babe!" I say to her.

She takes me by the hand then leads the way to the theatre there in my home. She turns on the lights once we were inside. She had it all decorated for Christmas. There was a large table over in the corner filled with Christmas treats ready for us to enjoy. She hands me a gift that was sitting on the seat there near us.

"Open it Michael!" she demands to me joyfully.

"Myra what is all this?" I wonder happily.

"Open it" she demands again. "you will see"

"Alright. But it is not time for gifts" I warn her. "you are not getting yours yet young lady" I tease.

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I unwrap my gift. There in the box was a pair of Christmas pjs. Matching ones. One pair for me. One pair for her. I laugh as I hold them up. I hand her a pair. They were so adorable! I loved this. I hug her joyfully. I wondered what she had planned right now for us.

"Go change into that Michael! And we are going to snack all day long and watch those Christmas movies all day long. I did not forget" she explains to me.

She leads me down in the front of the theatre. She gets out dvds. "Look at all the Christmas cartoon classics. Even Frosty" she brags to me.

"Myra this is the best gift you could ever give me" I praise her.

I pull her in my arms. I kiss her on the lips. She smiles up at me. "I want to make you as happy as you have made me. And this will be so much fun" she adds.

I nod. "It will be a blast" I agree with her.

"Go change. Then meet me back here" she demands.

We go change into our pj's. These were adult onesie time deals. They had the colors red, green and gold on them. Myra really out did herself on this.

I wondered when she found the time to order us matching pj's. They were so cute. I could not wait to see them on Myra. She was going to be adorable in this. I felt a little silly. But kid-like. I loved feeling that way again.

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"Come on out Michael! Do not be shy!" calls out Myra to me from behind the bathroom door.

"Myra I will be right there" I laugh happily.

I come out. There she was in her get up.

"Oh, Michael you look so stinkin adorable in that!" she squeals happily.

She pulls me in her arms then hugs me. She pulls me back to look at me again. "So cute" she tells me.

"You look adorable as well baby" I promise her. Her hair was all done up in pig tails. Kidlike. Fun and cute. I loved my sweet Myra.

"What movie do you want to watch with me first. We have hot cocoa ready to" she points out over at the table.

"Wow, well how about Frosty?" I ask her. Knowing full well that that was her favorite Christmas cartoon.

She smiles looking pleased with my answer. "You got it!" she tells me.

She puts the movie on. Then dims the lights for us. We sit in chairs together there. I drape my arm around her shoulder. She leans into my side. I smile at her as we begin to watch the movie together. She made my heart so happy. She always was thinking of me. I kiss the top of her head when she was not looking.

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"Frosty the snowman was a very happy soul, with a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal, Frosty the snowman...." The song sang on the screen.

My mind was on Myra now. Not the cartoon. She snuggled close to me. Making my heart race faster. My palms sweat to death. All I could think of was kissing her. Being closer to her even though here she was right beside me. I could never get enough of Myra. She drew me to her. Her beauty. Her soul. Her sweetness.

"Michael want some hot cocoa?" she asks me during the movie.

"Sure" I say softly.

"Wait here. I will get us both some" she tells me.

She goes to get up. She leans over kissing me. Then heads on down to where the food was spread out on the table for us. I could not focus on cartoons. All I wanted was Myra.

I bite my lip. I sigh. I try to wait for her as she poured some hot cocoa into cups for us to share. I get up out of my seat. I head down there to be at her side. I touch her shoulders. She turns around to look at me while the movie plays.

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"Michael, I was coming right back" she chuckles softly. "Do you need something?" she asks me.

I nod. "Yes, I do. You!" I tell her.

I take the cups out of her hands. Then set them down on the table. I pull her to my body. I lean in kissing her as my hand rests in the middle of her back. Her lips press back on mine. I feel her smile on my lips. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling our bodies closer together.

"Michael?" she whispers in between kisses.

"Yes Myra?" I ask.

"We are missing the movie" she giggles.

"I do not mind" I tell her.

I groan as I hold her closer.

"Michael?" she laughs.

"Yes Myra?" I ask her.

"Want me to pause the movie?" she laughs.

"No" I grunt softly. "I just want you"

She smiles then kisses me. She was all I ever needed. My sweet Myra.

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