121 ~ It's Over

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Robyn's was the first death of many in the months that followed

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Robyn's was the first death of many in the months that followed. Shortly after the wedding of Eloise and Sirius and then that of James and Lily, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter both caught Dragon Pox. Within weeks, they had both died and it had only forced Eloise further into her cocoon of grief. After the death of Marlene McKinnon less than a year later, Eloise was merely a shell of her former self. Although there was a shed of light in the otherwise dark situation. A shed of light that was the cause of Eloise getting on the track to being herself again. In September of 1980, just a few months after James and Lily's son Harry had been born, Eloise found out she was pregnant again. Alfie had grown into a gifted toddler and was walking and talking like it was nobody's business. He had also shown his first signs of magic and Eloise and Sirius weren't too surprised when they saw the dungarees that Alfie refused to wear floating in the air in the living room...aflame. Alfie and Harry got on well...for a two year old and a newborn. The extent of their relationship being that Alfie would chatter away to his cousin whilst Harry just lay in his little bed, staring up at Alfie with emerald-green eyes full of wonder.

Speaking of Harry: James, Lily, Sirius and Eloise had been informed of a prophecy containing Harry which also surrounded the Dark Lord. Due to this, Lily and James were forced into hiding and purchased a small cottage in Godric's Hollow. Neither of them had to work due to the extensive fortune that both Potter siblings had inherited after the death of their parents so the Potters were safe and sound. Saying this, it came to light that there was a mole in the Order. This was the cause of a fair few riffs in the whole organisation. One of them being between Remus and Sirius, both of them suspecting one another. Eloise found the whole thing infuriating and hated seeing her husband and best friend fight. But Remus, sick with grief from Robyn, refused to speak to Sirius or Eloise and took to hiding away in his small house in Wales.

Times were dark in the Wizarding World. People were being murdered and the war was still in full swing. Eloise hated that her children had to grow up in such a world and the whole situation left her feeling distressed. Though the stress subsided significantly when the 17th of June 1981 was upon them and little Mia Lyra Black was born. Both Sirius and Eloise were bargaining on her eyes being grey like her father but, alas, the world had other plans. When the baby girl opened her eyes to peer up at her expectant parents, they weren't met with the silvery, summer storm they had anticipated. Instead, Mia's eyes were blue, icy blue. An icy blue that Eloise had only seen on one other person in her life: Regulus Black.

A few months after the birth of Mia, on October 31st, Eloise had left Sirius in charge of the kids whilst she visited her brother. Lily had just taken Harry up to bed, with James close behind when the sound of the gate could be heard. Eloise immediately stood up from the sofa and she heard a shout from James,

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off! Belle-" James went to call for his sister to leave but she was already at his side, tossing him his wand which he had left on the sofa. Eloise gasped when she met eyes with the wizard in front of her. His pearly white skin glowed in the evening night and his red eyes narrowed as he raised his wand towards her. James tried to disarm him but he was too quick with a shielding spell. Voldemort raised his wand once more, this time towards James. Eloise had no time to think before a jet of green light shot out towards her brother. Though it didn't meet its intended target. The necklace that sat around Eloise's neck, the necklace that had belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw, had begun to glow. Eloise had almost forgotten about its existence until it let out a bright blue light which took the form of a protective bubble around James. The killing curse bounced off the forcefield and Eloise trembled as Voldemort let out a yell. Without bothering to try again, the dark wizard snapped his fingers and disappeared in a twist of robes. Eloise almost let out a sigh of relief, surprised that he had given up so easily until-

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