82 ~ Now That's Settled

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Eloise, Remus and Robyn were sat in the library

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Eloise, Remus and Robyn were sat in the library. Robyn was sat in Remus' lap as they read the same time and Eloise was reading a novel and trying to ignore the stabbing pains in her stomach that she had been experiencing all day. She groaned as they pained her even more and dropped her head on to the table,

"Puff? What's wrong?" Remus asked, looking up from the book,

"My tummy hurts." She looked up pouting and Robyn's eyes softened in pity,

"Is it your period?" She asked and Remus went bright red, "Oh shove off, Rem you boy." Robyn muttered and watched as Eloise frowned,

"No, I'm not on yet..." she trailed off and her eyes widened, "Robyn...what's the date today?" She asked, looking nervous,

"The twenty fifth of October, why? Robyn replied and Eloise ran a hand through her hair,

"Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin!" She muttered and Remus put the boom down,

"What's wrong, Elle?" He asked worriedly and she looked at Robyn, eyes wide and scared,

"I'm two and a half weeks late." She told her and Robyn gasped getting off of a thoroughly confused Remus and sitting next to Eloise,

"Oh my! So have you and Sirius...?" She asked, raising her eyebrows and Eloise nodded,

"Yeah...a few times."

"I'm sorry, can somebody please tell me what the fuck is going on?" Remus chipped in with a frown and Robyn sighed loudly, facing her boyfriend,

"Eloise is two and a half weeks late for her period and her and Sirius have had sex." She said bluntly and Remus' eyes widened,

"Fucking hell, Ro, want to speak any louder?" Eloise muttered and the blonde gave her an apologetic look, "What the fuck am I supposed to do?" She asked panicked and Remus and Robyn shared a worried look,

"Where's Sirius now?" Robyn asked,

"He and James are doing extra Quidditch practice." Eloise said quietly and the Hufflepuff nodded,

"Well we don't know anything for sure yet, but I'm sure there's a charm to figure it out, right?" She turned to Remus who half-smiled,

"Well if we're going to find anything it'll be in here." He gestured to the thousands of books on the library shelves and Robyn nodded,

"Let's get started then."


Remus and Robyn looked for at least half an hour before they returned to the table at which Eloise was sat, head in her hands as she breathed shakily.

"We've found a charm." Remus said as he set the book down on the table, "Let's go back to my dorm, Prongs and Pads are still going to be practising for at least another hour so we should be safe." He said and Eloise nodded, standing up and following the couple out of the library, on their way to see if there happened to be another human being in her body.

The arrived at the Marauder's Dorm and Eloise laid down on Sirius' bed, Remus and Robyn standing over her as Robyn held open the page for the tall boy to read from. He made an intricate movement with his wand and muttered a spell. A light blue mist appeared above Eloise, bobbing up and down slightly and beating in time with her heart. 

"Apparently," Remus read the instructions, "if, after 20 seconds it turns red, you aren't pregnant, but if it turns purple..." he trailed off and Eloise tried to steady her breathing, gripping Robyn's hand and squeezing it tightly. Twenty seconds passed and the trio all looked intently at the mist, slowly but surely it started to change colour. It went from the almost transparent blue to green, then yellow and then orange before settling on red.

Eloise breathed a sigh of relief as the mist disappeared and she put a hand to her chest,

"Thank fucking Merlin." She muttered and Robyn laughed, sitting next to her on the bed and pulling her into a hug,

"Well now that's settled," Remus spoke up, his expression stern, "You've had sex with Sirius!?"

"Here we go." Eloise muttered, rolling her eyes and pulling away from Robyn,

"You're only a baby, Elle, you can't be doing these things!" 

"I'm seventeen and I've been with Sirius for over a year, I can do whatever I please." She said calmly and stood up, walking out of the room, "And don't think I don't know what you two get up to when we aren't around." She smirked as the couple blushed a deep red, "I don't need to be a legilimens to figure that one out." With that, she left, leaving Remus and Robyn flushing in the middle of the dorm.


Eloise went down to the Quidditch pitch to watch the last of Sirius and James' practice. She sat down in the stands and pulled pulled her scarf tighter around her face, pushing her hands deep into her pockets. Sirius, having noticing her presence flew over, leaving James to continue with his laps of the pitch. He smiled as he hovered in front of her,

"Why hello there, Gorgeous." He said with a smile and Eloise saluted, "Came to watch and swoon at your amazing Quidditch playing boyfriend?" He asked flipping his hair and Eloise snorted,

"Hardly, I'm here so I know what not to do." She smirked and Sirius raised an eyebrow

"You wound me, Darling." He said with a cheeky grin as he held a hand to his chest, "Why don't you fly with us?" He asked and Eloise shrugged, 

"Sure why not, you know I'd never miss an opportunity to show you how it's done." She said, standing up and walking to to broom closet where she changed and picked up her broom. She walked outside, mounting and pushing off the ground into the air, her silver hair flowing out behind her. She flew to in between James and Sirius and smiled, "Why hello there, amateurs." She greeted, "Ready to play?"

"Whoever can get the most quaffles on the hoops in 10 minutes will win." James said and he checked his watch,

"Three...two...one...GO!" He shouted and flew down to pick up the first quaffle but Eloise beat him to it, winking at him as she sped off towards the hoops. She shot for the middle one but Sirius swooped in at the last minute, intercepting the throw and catching the ball, throwing it in himself,

"You're going to have to try a bit harder than that, sweetheart." He smirked and Eloise scowled, speeding forward and catching the quaffle as it fell through the air. She tucked it under her arm and launched it through the hoop. She turned and sent her own smirk to Sirius,

"Is that hard enough for you, sweetheart?" 

"I don't know, was it enough last night?" He asked, sending her a wink as she scoffed,

"I'm not going to lie to you, babe..." she flew closer to him, lowering her voice, "you've been better." She laughed as he gasped shrilly,

"You take that back!" He pointed a finger at her but regained his composure, "Although, I didn't hear you complaining."


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