56 ~ Therefore, I am Better

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The students had finally arrived at Hogwarts and Eloise was excited to catch up with all of her friends properly, and having not seen Regulus or the girls (apart from the party) since before Summer. The carriage ride was very loud, with James and Sirius arguing about who was cleverer.

"I don't think you should be arguing with me, Padfoot." James smirked and Sirius looked confused, "I got the same O.W.L. results as Belle." he looked triumphant and Sirius crossed his arms, defeated. Eloise cleared her throat and sat up from next to Sirius,

"No, dear brother, you got Exceeds Expectations in Astronomy and I got Outstanding." Eloise said with a grin and high-fived Sirius who looked extremely proud of her,

"Well done, love" he winked and James made sputtering noises,

"Well, it isn't my fault that I don't have a boyfriend that teaches me Astronomy!" James said, glaring at the couple.

"Well I'm sure Padfoot would be happy to if you asked him nicely, Prongs" Remus grinned and Eloise giggled with her other friends.

"What were your O.W.L. results, Elle?" Peter asked and Sirius grinned widely, putting an arm around her waist,

"Brilliant, Pete, that's what they were." Eloise rolled her eyes and shoved his chest,

"They were alright." she said with a shrug,

"Stop being modest." James said rather boredly, Eloise had forced him and Sirius to do this if anyone asked about her results so she could seem humble,

"Okay, I got Exceeds Expectations in Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology and Ancient Runes. And then Outstanding in the others." she smiled as Remus and Peter clapped, "But Prongs got the same as me, apart from Astronomy, and Sirius got the same amount of Outstandings." she grinned at Sirius as he smirked,

"What can I say?" he said arrogantly, flipping his hair, "Natural talent."


The carriages pulled to a stop and the Marauders jumped out, rushing to the Great Hall. Eloise spotted Regulus on the Slytherin table and kissed Sirius on the cheek as she walked over, wrapping her arms around the younger Black's neck from behind.

"REGINALD!" she yelled and the boy laughed lightly, turning around and hugging his friend back,

"Hey, Elle, I missed you." he smiled and she sat down on the bench next to him.

"Hey, Evan." she said, smiling at the boy sat opposite them, but he didn't hear her. His attention was trained on something over her shoulder and she had to wave her hand in his face to get him to look at her,

"Oh! Evening, pretty little Potter, when did you get here?" he asked with a grin and Eloise looked at Regulus, both of them rolling their eyes.

"So how were your summers?" Eloise asked but the boys didn't have time to reply as Dumbledore had taken to the front of the Hall. He scanned the room with his twinkling eyes,

"Good evening, students- Miss Potter, what are you doing over there?" he raised his eyebrows at the girl,

"Sorry, Sir." she sent him a dazzling grin, "BYE REGGIE! BYE EVAN! I'LL MISS YOU MY LITTLE MUFFINS!" she shouted, causing the boys to flush bright red and the students to let out a laugh. She stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table, stopping before she sat on the bench, "Oooh! Before I sit down, I have a question." she announced and she saw her friends biting back smiles at her stalling of the headmaster,

"Ask away, Miss Potter." Dumbledore said kindly and she beamed and walked over to him at the front of the hall, whispering something into his ear. The Headmaster laughed his tinkling laugh and nodded, "Why yes, I suppose you can, Miss Potter."

"YES!" Eloise punched the air and stood next to Dumbledore, pointing her wand to the doors and letting them spring open, showing all of the nervous little First Years and a thoroughly confused McGonagall. She raised her wand to her throat and her voice rang out, it was amplified as she put on a sports presenter's voice, "Now introducing the competitors for this year...THE FIRST YEARS!" she signalled for the students to clap, which they did, laughing confusedly. McGonagall shook her head and began to lead the small students into the hall, calling out the first name.

"Adley, Marcus." the small boy began to walk towards the stool and Eloise began speaking once more,

"And stepping up to the podium: Marcus, a look of fright on his face as he prepares for his first challenge. What will the hat decide for this little trooper?" The hat decided on Hufflepuff and Marcus hopped off of the stool, running towards the yellow table. Eloise continued to present each and every student, the laughs increasing each time.

"Mackey, Beatrice"

"And Beatrice makes her way to the stool, her speed rivalling that of anyone else's. She looks determined, confident...rude! Don't look at me like that, you midget, you're not allowed to judge me! I'm older than you so therefore, I am better." Beatrice was sorted into Ravenclaw,

"So Bitchtrice is in with the eagles!"

"Miss Potter!"

"Sorry, Professor...actually, no I'm not she gave me a very dirty look."


After all of the First Years had been sorted, Eloise bowed dramatically as the school clapped, (the applause was of course initiated by the Marauders but Dumbledore had joined in, encouraging the others) before skipping over to the table and sitting back down as the food appeared. Her friends were all still laughing when she had arrived, Sirius slipping an arm around her waist and James clapping loudly,

"I have never been more proud to call you my sister!" he announced and Eloise winked,

"I've wanted to do that for ages." she said with a grin and picked a chicken leg off of Sirius' plate.

"There's a whole platter right there in front of you." he whined and Eloise just patted his cheek as she bit off another piece and engaged in a conversation with Mary and Marlene.

"Ooh! I have big news, Elle." Marlene said, clapping her hands excitedly,

"Do tell." Eloise said, putting her chin on her hand,

"I'm going on a date with- get ready...Caleb Morgan!" Marlene squealed,

"No way!" Eloise beamed at her friend. Caleb was the Sixth Year Slytherin that Marlene had had a crush on since Third Year, Caleb was a half-blood and was someone that Eloise had found rather pleasant whenever they had spoken, which was whenever she would sit with Regulus. He seemed like a genuine person and Eloise couldn't be happier for her friend. "When did this happen?" Eloise asked,

"He came up to me on the train and just asked me out." Marlene was radiating happiness and Eloise looked over to the Slytherin Table. Caleb was sat next to Regulus but he was looking over at the Gryffindor Table, more specifically, Marlene who was laughing at something Mary had said, with a smile on his face. The blonde turned around and caught his eye, waving slightly, both of them blushing as they smiled at one another.

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