64 ~ Only Here To Serve

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Long-ass chapter so yep :) kinda cute too so enjoys my boys (yes I'm fully aware that most of you are girls but it rhymes so WHAT OF IT?)

With cheesy muggle songs sounding around the room, decorations on each and every wall and bowls of sweets, Ravenclaw Tower had never looked better. The Marauders walked in, immediately met with dancing students and a room full of interesting costumes. Eloise grinned as Fabian Prewett walked by, dressed as Dumbledore and winking at her, looking for his twin Gideon who had come as McGonagall. Sirius had his arm around Eloise's waist and led her to the sofa with the perfect view of the happenings of the party, the others following close behind. They sat and spoke for a while, laughing as Nathan started breakdancing with a reluctant Evan and pointing out their favourite costumes.

"Oooh, I like that fairy!" Lily said, gesturing to a Ravenclaw in the year above. The others nodded uninterestedly, and James and Sirius returned with the drinks.

As the boys sat down, Eloise noticed Sirius snarl and before she knew it, he was pulling her to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, still glowering at someone in the distance. Eloise followed his gaze but saw nothing out of the ordinary and frowned slightly,

"What's wrong with you?" she asked him and his head snapped up, eyes softening from the glare,

"What? Nothing." he shrugged but Eloise raised an eyebrow skeptically and Sirius groaned, "Fine, there was some boy looking at you and he was basically dribbling so I thought I'd let him know that you were mine." he looked back to where Eloise presumed the boy was standing, his grey eyes stormy and dark. She giggled and ran a hand through his hair, causing his eyes to meet hers,

"So jealous." she muttered, pecking his lips lightly, causing him to smile.

A new song began to play through the stereo and Eloise's head snapped up, her wide eyes immediately finding Lily's excited, green ones.

"No way!" Lily squealed, beaming. Eloise got up off Sirius' lap and grabbed Lily's hand, leading her to the dance floor. The boys were watching amusedly as the two girls twirled with one another, wide grins on their faces and moving their hips to their favourite Halloween song, the Monster Mash. Eloise closed her eyes and she danced around and suddenly Lily's hands were pulled from her grasp and a couple of different ones were placed on her hips. She opened her eyes, expecting to be met with Sirius but instead it was an unfamiliar Seventh Year dressed as Dracula, a smirk on his face. Eloise immediately pushed his hands off and began to walk away but he grabbed her wrist,

"Come on, Sweetheart, dance with me?" he pouted and tilted his head before leaning forward to whisper in her ear, "Then maybe we can take it elsewhere." Eloise resisted the urge to gag and yanked her wrist out of his grip,

"I think I'll pass." she narrowed her eyes and made her way over to the sofa where she knew the others to be. Dracula however, seemingly had other ideas. He rushed so he was stood in front of her, blocking her path, "Ugh, just move!" she said angrily but the boy crossed his arms,

"Dance with me, Princess, I won't bite." he grinned, touching one of his fake fangs with his tongue, "Not unless you want me to." he smirked and now Eloise couldn't help but retch slightly,

"Let me make this really clear so even your miniscule brain can comprehend it." she hissed and the grin slid off of his face, "1:I said no. 2:I have a boyfriend 3: I suggest you move out of my fucking way otherwise you'll wish you were a fucking vampire and that you couldn't die." she spoke through gritted teeth and it was safe to say that the older boy was slightly scared.

Eloise heard footsteps and sighed in relief when she saw Sirius and felt his arm wrapping around her, his eyes narrowed fiercely and his jaw clenched as he glared at the boy.

"Want to walk away or do you want me blast you there?" he threatened and the boy rolled his eyes,

"You gonna make me, man bun?" he asked, stepping closer to Sirius. Sirius didn't back down and pushed Eloise behind him, looking down at the Dracula whom he towered over,

"That depends on whether you keep being a wanker." he seethed, cracking his knuckles dangerously and the boy took a breath, deciding to leave it,

"Whatever." he muttered as he began to walk away, "She's probably not worth it anyway, I heard she was too easy." that was the final straw. Sirius grabbed the boy by the shoulder, turning him around and punching him hard on the nose. The boy stumbled back, cursing loudly and clutching at his bloodied face. A crowd had gathered and Eloise pulled on Sirius' arm,

"Love, please, let's go back to James." she pleaded but Sirius didn't follow her, instead he walked over to the boy, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him up slightly,

"Come near her again and I'll punch you so hard your head will come out of your fucking arse." with that he dropped him and took Eloise's hand walking back to the sofa.

When they reached the others, Sirius was still seething. He sat on the couch and began doing 'the thing' with his jaw. Eloise couldn't help but smile slightly and shuffled close to him, whispering in his ear,

"You know what the only good thing about seeing you get in fights is?" she asked and he looked at her, shaking his head, "You're really fucking hot when you're angry." she smirked and his angry expression dropped, being replaced with a much more cocky one,

"I'm only here to serve." he whispered in response and pulled her legs to rest on his lap.


After the very eventful start, the Marauders began to let loose and have some fun, the firewhiskey making them significantly more relaxed. They all began to dance to the Police songs playing. Laughing whenever Peter would stumble drunkenly and knock someone's drink to the floor...so they laughed rather a lot. All of them, excluding James, were unbeknownst to the prank that Eloise had been planning for that night. While they were too preoccupied with doing the conga around the room, Eloise dragged James to a corner to go over the plan,

"Ok so I'll fall to the floor, looking all dead and then you cry, got it?"

"I cry, got it." he gave her a thumbs up and she nodded, walking to the middle of the room where she proceeded to collapse. Using her metamorphmagus abilities, she made her skin ghostly pale but had to bite her cheek so blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth. She heard frantic footsteps and someone shaking her. Hearing over dramatic sobs, she knew that James had began his part.

"Belle! Belle no! She was so young!" she heard James fall to his knees and stroke her cheek, "So young!" she resisted the urge to laugh and almost felt guilty when she heard Sirius, Remus and Lily's screams.

"Eloise?! ELOISE!" the redhead began to sob and ask what happened,

"She-she was impaled with my horn!" that was the line that caused James to slip out of his role and begin to laugh. The annoying thing was, whenever James laughed, everyone knew that Eloise was sure to join in. So they all gasped when her supposed 'dead body' began to giggle, her eyes fluttering open. She observed the annoyed faces of the people around her and sat up, high-fiving her laughing brother,

"GOTCHA!" she shouted with a grin and Lily looked outraged,

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she asked, wiping her tears angrily and Eloise cringed slightly at the volume of her voice, "That isn't fucking funny, Eloise! I thought you were dead!" with that she stormed out of the room. Everybody else seemed to have gotten over the shock and returned to whatever they were doing, although Sirius remained to stand there, shock etched on his face. Eloise stood up and placed a hand on his arm which seemed to snap him out of his trance. He grabbed her wrist and marched her up the stairs to where the dormitories were, pulling her into one and locking the door.

"That was horrible." he said, facing away from her.

"Sirius, it was just a prank-"

"Do you have any idea how scared I was?!" he turned around and Eloise spotted tear tracks on his face,

"I'm sorry-"

"You don't get it." he said, walking towards her, "I was so scared." he took her face in his hands, "If I lost you...I can't lose you." he swallowed, appearing nervous, "I love you, Eloise."

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