49 ~ One Of Us Has To

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"I'm going to go and say goodbye to the others" Eloise said and the boys nodded as the three of them walked to over to Remus and his parents, "Bye Moony!" Eloise shouted as she jumped on his back, making his stumble slightly. Remus laughed and held her thighs,

"Watch it Moony!" Sirius warned, eyeing his hands on her legs. Eloise smacked his head and hugged Remus,

"I'm going to miss you Rem-Rem" she muttered, pressing her cheek to his shoulder,

"I'm going to miss you too Puff-Puff" he mocked, "But I'll see you when we all come to yours" Eloise nodded and smiled, jumping off of his back,

"Hello Mr and Mrs Lupin" she smiled at the kind people in front of her,

"Please Eloise, it's Hope and Lyall, you know this"

"Sorry" she laughed, "Well it was lovely to see you, have a wonderful summer Rem" she hugged the boy once more before walking off to find Peter, leaving James and Sirius behind. She found Peter stood with his mum and shouted his name. Peter turned and smiled, hugging her,

"Bye Puff, have a great holiday!"

"You too Wormy" she smiled as they seperated, "Also" she said, "I know I didn't get to talk to you about this when it happened, but ignore Marlene, you're handsome and kind and any girl should be honoured to be with you" with that she smiled and walked off, keeping her eyes peeled for a certain redhead.

She finally found her with Mary and Marlene, Alice probably off saying goodbye to her boyfriend. "GIRLS!" she shouted and they all beamed when she threw her arms around their necks,

"ELLE!" they all shouted an erupted into giggles,

"I can't believe I'm not going to see you all everyday" Marlene pouted and Eloise nodded in agreement,

"I know, I don't know if I'll be able to wake up without having Lily pummel me with a pillow" Mary said and the girls laughed as she responded to Lily's joking glare with an innocent look,

"Well, you're all coming over in July, so I'll see you then" she smiled as she hugged them once more,

"Hey Elle, my parents want to see you" Lily said and Eloise nodded, following her friend,
"Little E!" Mr Evans shouted as he pulled her into a hug,

"Big E!" she mocked with a grin,

"How are you?"

"I'm great thank you, how about you?"

"Eloise has a boyfriend" Lily smirked and Mrs Evans gasped with a smile,
"Oh has she? Who is it may I ask?"

"Sirius Black" Lily replied and Eloise glared at her,

"Who's that?" Mr Evans asked and Eloise felt an arm snake around her waist,

"Me" she smiled as Sirius stood next to her, smiling politely at Lily's parents, "Lovely to meet you Mr and Mrs Evans" he nodded, using his pureblood-taught manners,

"You too" Mrs Evans smiled at the handsome boy, "Sirius Black? Isn't he friends with the Potter boy you speak so often about?" Lily flushed bright red,

"Well, it was lovely talking to you but we really must go" she gave a tight hug to Eloise before grabbing her parents' hands and walking off of the platform.

Eloise and Sirius laughed together at Lily' red face,

"James is going to shit himself when he finds out" Sirius grinned and Eloise nodded, another laugh tumbling from her lips. She scanned the crowd for her family when something caught her eye. The black hair and icy, blue eyes of Regulus Black. She smiled and started to walk towards him when she felt Sirius tense next to her. She looked up at him worriedly to see he had his stony stare set in the direction of Regulus, although, he wasn't glaring at his brother, he was looking directly into the eyes of the two people next to him. Eloise followed his gaze and frowned when she saw his parents, both tight-lipped as they observed the crowd, sneering at the number of muggle parents. Eloise straightened her shirt and removed Sirius' arm from her waist, gripping his hand tightly and intertwining their fingers as she strode towards the Blacks.

Regulus noticed her and smiled slightly, worried to upset his parents. Eloise, obviously, couldn't care less as she let go of Sirius' hand and threw her arms around her friend's neck,

"Reginald!" she beamed and she heard him chuckle as he put an arm around her back.

"E!" he mocked and pulled away, ruffling her hair. She glared up at him, annoyed that he was a year younger than her but at least five inches taller. Eloise fixed her hair and turned around so she was facing the two very intimidating people in front of her: Orion and Walburga Black, both of whom were observing her emotionlessly.

"Miss Malfoy" Walburga nodded curtly, recognising her from the many pureblood balls she was invited to by Sirius over the years, "How lovely to see you" the woman tried to smile but it looked like more of a grimace,

"Mrs Black" Eloise replied, not smiling, "And in case you've forgotten, it's Potter, not Malfoy. Seeing as Abraxas felt the need to steal me as a newborn baby...I mean he took the term 'cradle-robber' to the next level" she smiled sweetly at the woman and heard Sirius snort from beside her. Walburga completely ignored her and turned to Sirius,

"Sirius" she greeted with pursed lips, "You're hair is too long, you look like a woman" she commented and Sirius raised an eyebrow,

"Do I? Well out of us two Walburga, I suppose one of us has to" he smirked as Eloise giggled, burying her head into his chest. Sirius swore he even saw the corners of Regulus' mouth twitch.

"Don't speak to your mother like that Sirius" his father said coldly, looking down his nose at the pair of them,

"You're forgetting Orion, you disowned me, so she is not my mother and you are not my family" he said proudly as he put an arm around Eloise's shoulders, "Besides, I have a new and improved one" he said as he looked down at her, mirroring her smile,

"Is Eloise your girlfriend!?" Regulus asked incredulously, dropping his professional act he had for his parents,

"Why yes little brother, she is"

"Well at least you got yourself a pureblood, it's the only thing you've managed to do right for this family" Walburga said with a sneer as she looked Eloise up and down, "I suppose she's a good-looking girl"

"Yes but sorry Walburga, she's taken" Sirius said with narrowed eyes, "And I didn't become Eloise's boyfriend for the family, I did it because she's wonderful and beautiful and came from the best family in the world...The Potters."

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