15 ~ Baby Black

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Ok so I have a few things to discuss with you, my beautiful readers:

1. I have changed the name and cover of my story, I wasn't too happy with the name Messrs so I've changed it to Meet in the Middle (I hope you like it), and the cover was just cute with a lil bunny sooo yeah

2. I've changed my format of wiriting slightly (shorter paragraphs etc etc) and I'm also making the chapters slightly shorter which means there will be more frequent updates

and 3. I have changed the actor for Eloise, instead of Elle Fanning, it is now Scarlett Leithold, don't get me wrong I love Elle Fanning but I knew from the start that she wasn't quite right

Anywho enough rambling, ENJOY!

Eloise Potter was sat in the Gryffindor Common Room floor, her back against the plush red sofa and Remus Lupin absentmindedly playing with her hair

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Eloise Potter was sat in the Gryffindor Common Room floor, her back against the plush red sofa and Remus Lupin absentmindedly playing with her hair. The scratching of quills against parchment could be heard over the never-ending chatter of Gryffindors and the somewhat comforting crackle of the fire. It was the end of January and the air was getting much colder. Eloise didn't think she had appreciated the emitting warmth of the fireplace as much as she had that day, having suffered from what she could only call a 'snowball ambush' from the four rowdy boys known as her best friends. She was just finishing up her Transfiguration essay and was ready to move on to her Astronomy star charts when Lily stood up yawning.

"Right, I'm off." she collected her schoolwork and rubbed her eyes. Eloise looked up confused and noticed that both Sirius and Peter had fallen asleep on armchairs, even James looked drowsy with his chin on the table as he twisted the ends of Lily's long red hair around his fingers.

"What? What time is it?" Eloise asked putting her star charts aside. Lily noticed James playing with her hair and flicked the wave of red over her shoulder, oblivious to his whine in protest.

"Elle, it's 1am." Eloise sighed and Sirius woke up with a small shout, breathing heavily thus waking up Peter. The others turned to him and he ran a shaking hand through his slightly ruffled hair,

"Ahem...well I-I'm going to bed." he said shakily, forcing a smile once he had noticed his friends' worried looks. He stood up, slightly unsteady on his feet before anyone could say anything and question why his eyes looked glassy. James, Remus and Peter soon followed suit, leaving Lily and Eloise sitting alone.

"You go on up, Lil." Eloise began "I have quite a lot left to do." Lily smiled sympathetically.

"Good luck then, don't be too long - lessons are still on tomorrow." Eloise pouted as Lily patted her shoulder and disappeared up to their dormitory.

After completing her star chart, ancient runes, herbology and defence against the dark arts, Eloise sighed partly with relief and partly with fatigue. She glanced at the clock and gasped as she realised it was 4 am, she gathered her parchment and walked up to her dorm, falling asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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