94 ~ I Don't Know What to Do

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"And who can tell me what this shape in the tea leaves-"

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"And who can tell me what this shape in the tea leaves-"

"MOTHER FUCKING SHIT BALLS!" Remus interrupted Professor Mauris as he burned his hand with the fire from one of the lavender-scented candles on his Divination desk,

"Who used that blasphemous language?" the teacher scolded and the class bursted into giggles as Remus kept a calm face. Not looking up from his dream chart he shook his head and tutted,

"James! Shame on you!" he said loudly and James' mouth dropped open as the rest of the Marauder's laughter got even louder, Lily's head falling onto Eloise's shoulder as she giggled.

"Mister Potter! Detention!" the Divination professor said and James spluttered,

"Wha- but it wasn't-"

"That's enough, Mister Potter. Meet me in my office at 7pm tonight." she said before turning around and tending to Frank's broken teacup.

"I cannot believe you, Moony!" James turned his shocked face to Remus who just smirked,

"Well you probably should believe it, James." Eloise chipped in, "It's happened a fair few times."

"Yes, and each time it surprises me even more." James sniffed but soon grinned and sent a mischievous look to Remus, "But don't worry, Moony." he put his hands together like those evil villains from the muggle movies Lily forced Eloise to watch, "I'll get you back. MUA HA HA HA-"

"Mister Potter!" Professor Mauris had reemerged in a swish of her royal purple shawl, "Would you like another detention tomorrow as well?"

"Well we have to see how tonight goes first, Professor." he winked and Sirius let out a bark of laughter,

"I didn't know you had a thing for beads, Prongs."

"I'll keep that in mind." Lily joked.


Eloise was eating lunch when Regulus approached her, his hands fiddling nervously and a solemn expression on his face.

"Elle, I need to- umm...can I talk to you please?" he asked quietly and her smile at his arrival faded,

"Yeah sure, are you alright, Reg?" she asked, standing up from her seat and placing a hand on his arm,

"Can we go somewhere more private please?"

"Yes, of course." Eloise nodded and she left the hall with Regulus, him leading her to the first empty classroom they came across, "Reg...what's the matter?" she asked as he ran a hand through his hair, "Is everything-"

"My parents want me to become a Death Eater." he blurted out and Eloise swallowed nervously, "I always knew it was coming but...but they want me to become one by next month." he sat down on a desk and put his head in his hands, "I'm not ready, Elle." he whispered and his shoulders began to shake slightly. Eloise hadn't moved. She knew the path that Regulus was destined to go down due to his family but she hadn't expected it so soon. She was scared for him and also, even though she didn't care to admit it, for herself. But, as she stood in front of him, a sixteen year old boy who was being forced into something much larger than he could ever imagine, she knew he needed comfort.

"Hey, Reg, it's gonna be okay." she said quietly as she walked over to him and put a hand on his hair, "When do you need to make a decision by?" she asked and Regulus lifted his head,

"A decision? The decision is already made, Eloise." he said seriously and Eloise lifted a hand to her mouth, "I'm sorry to drag you into this." he muttered, "But I needed to talk to someone and you're the first person that came to mind. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Reg, shut up." Eloise put her hands on his shoulders, "I love you and I'm going to help you okay?"

"You can't help me, Eloise! There's nothing to be done."

"I don't agree with that-"

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree! This time next month I'll have the Dark Mark carved into my forearm and I'll be forced to serve the Dark Lord..." his words got caught in his throat and he began to cry,

"You don't have to do this, Reg. Run away! Come to my house or even hide out here, Dumbledore can keep you safe."

"N-no, I can't. I want- I need to make my parents proud." he shook his head and Eloise sighed, "After Sirius, they put all this pressure on me to carry out 'our legacy' and..." he looked guiltily at Eloise, "I don't think the Dark Lord has it too wrong."


"Listen to me, Elle. Yes, he's killing innocent people but-"

"There is no 'but', Regulus." Eloise said angrily,

"He just wants a pure-blooded world."

"Yes and he intends to attain that through murdering anyone who he believes is less than pure!" Eloise's eyes narrowed, "Think about all of the people we would lose! Remus, Robyn, Lily-"

"Those are all your friends!"

"Nathan!" Eloise shouted and Regulus opened his mouth but didn't say anything, "Nathan is a half-blood. Imagine how Evan would feel if his best friend had to kill his..." she trailed off when she caught Regulus' look, "Hold on- Evan too?"

"His parents-"

"Does Nathan know?" she asked and Regulus nodded slowly,

"He told him last night...Nathan hasn't spoken to him since."

"Oh Merlin." Eloise muttered, "This isn't over." she said sternly, pointing at Regulus before rushing off to go and find Nathan.


"Nathan!" Eloise found him sitting in a window seat on the fourth floor corridor,

"I'm not really in the mood for-"

"I know about Evan." she said simply and he looked up so Eloise could see his red eyes and messy hair,

"So you know why I can't be with him anymore then?" he asked and Eloise sat down next to him,

"Nathan, have you given him a chance to explain?" she asked softly, putting a hand on his arm and the curly haired boy scoffed,

"Why? So he can tell me about how he thinks that anyone who isn't a pureblood deserves to die? I don't know how much I want to have that conversation, Berry but thanks for the concern."


"What am I supposed to do, Berry?" he asked, looking into her eyes, his own green orbs swimming with despair, "Do I leave him? Do I try and convince him to not join him?" he ran a hand through his hair, "I love him! I love him and if I let him join he could be made to kill me and my family and what's he going to do? He can't exactly say 'No thank you, Mister Voldemort, that's my boyfriend and I'd prefer if I didn't murder him.' he'd get tortured on the spot!" he ran his hands through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut, "I'm lost, Eloise." he whispered and Eloise's heart broke at seeing her usually cheerful friend so broken, "I don't know what to do...and I don't think Evan does either."

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