110 ~ Fair's Fair

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The first time that Eloise had moved more than four paces in a week and she was sprinting down the corridors on her way to the Hospital Wing

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The first time that Eloise had moved more than four paces in a week and she was sprinting down the corridors on her way to the Hospital Wing. Sirius had punched a window...a window. He was suffering with so much heartache that he took to actually shattering a window. Causing the glass to lodge itself in his hand and become at risk of amputation. Eloise felt guilt flood her veins as she ran as fast as she could to him. She had been so swept up in her own feelings of woe that she hadn't considered his. She finally reached the sterilized room and burst through the doors, scanning the beds for that familiar head of sleek, black hair. She sighed in relief when she saw him, surrounded by the Marauders, Robyn and Lily. She rushed over, alerting the others who all grinned as she stood by Sirius' side. Eloise bit her lip as she reached out and moved the hair off of his forehead, causing him to stir. Sirius' eyes fluttered open, he frowned as his vision was flooded with white light...until he saw her. She gave him a watery smile and caressed his cheek,

"Hey." she whispered,

"Lou." he breathed, grabbing her hand and pulling her into him so she sat on his lap. He held her tightly, his arms fastening themselves around her waist and his face burying into the crook of her neck. Lily whispered something about,

"Giving them some space." and the group dispersed, leaving the couple to reconcile.

Eloise ran a hand through his hair, the other curling around his neck. She pressed a kiss to his temple,

"I'm so sorry." she choked out and Sirius pulled back to look at her, aghast,

"Why are you apologising? I'm the one that fucked up."

"None of it was your fault and I took it all out on you. So I'm sorry that I caused you any pain." she cast her eyes down and softly stroked his bandaged hand with her finger. A tear fell from her eye and landed on their intertwined hands that were rested on her lap. "I love you, Pup." she whispered, looking up and smiling weakly, "More than anything."

"I love you more, Lou." he smiled, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. Eloise's body tensed and she had flashbacks to when he did that with Daisy. But then she noticed his face. His face on that dreadful night was clouded over and blank but now, it was anything but. Love was so present in his eyes as he scanned her face, eyebrows furrowed slightly in concern over her slight grimace. She couldn't help the grin that took over her features as she leant forward. Placing her lips softly on his. He responded instantly, kissing her with a passion and urgency that he had never done before. He hand stroked her side and came to rest on her waist. She ran her hands through her hair and gasped slightly as Sirius bit down on her bottom lip. He pulled away and trailed kisses down her jaw and neck.

"Sirius, if James comes back and you've left a mark again-" she was cut off by another gasp as she felt his teeth brush the skin of her neck. Sirius pulled away and smirked,

"Oops." he shrugged and Eloise mirrored his smirk as she placed her hands on the back of his neck, her fingers slipping into his soft hair,

"Now I must get revenge." she narrowed her eyes and placed her lips against his neck, pulling away and grinning when she was met with a purple bruise,

"Eloise Potter!" Sirius gasped with a cheeky grin,

"Fair's fair, Sirius Black." she shrugged and Sirius chuckled, pulling her into his chest again,

"I missed you." he muttered and Eloise smiled,

"I missed you too...let's never do that again."


"Ooh! Ooh! OOH!" Eloise sat up and beamed excitedly,

"What? What? WHAT?!" Sirius mocked,

"I can tell you my idea for a girl name."

"And I can tell you mine!" Sirius grinned and Eloise chuckled,

"You go first this time."

"Lyra." he said with a very proud look, "Like the constellation." he explained,

"That's adorable!" she cooed, "You're good at this whole name thing."

"Why thank you, love. One of my many talents." he winked at her, "Now what was your name?"

"Mia." she said with a small smile and Sirius' mouth spread into a grin, "For Mum."

"It's perfect." he breathed, a wide smile on his face as he thought of Euphemia's guaranteed over the top reaction, "Much better than mine."

"I have an idea! Why don't we do Mia Lyra Black? So it's both." she offered and Sirius raised an eyebrow,

"Black? They're going to take my name and not yours?"

"Well who knows? Maybe one day it'll be mine too." she smirked and Sirius grinned,

"I like the sound of that." he leant forward and pecked her lips, "And if it's a boy, Alfie." he confirmed and Eloise nodded, "And middle name?"

"Ooh I was thinking about this too." Eloise clapped her hands together, "It's traditional that the boy has his father's name isn't it?" she asked, "James had Fleamont, you have Orion-"

"Are you saying that you want Alfie's middle name to be Sirius?" he asked, his eyes wide and filled with honour,

"If that's alright with you, I'd love it." she smiled shyly and Sirius grinned,

"You have no idea how happy that would make me."


"Yes!" Sirius laughed and leant forward to pepper kisses all over Eloise's face, causing her giggles to bounce around the room, "I missed that sound." he said as he leant back,

"What sound?" Eloise frowned,

"Your laugh." he smiled sweetly and Eloise's eyes softened, "I think that's my favourite sound in the world...Remus was right when he said you sound like a little fairy." he tapped her on the nose,

"That was when I do my 'flirty laugh' according to Moony." she pointed out with a smirk, "Though I suppose that's just my normal laugh around you."

"Ooh, Lou! I thought I was the one with the pick-up lines." Sirius grinned and Eloise smirked, brushing some imaginary dust off of her shoulder,

"Watch out, Pup." she leant forward and lowered her voice to a whisper, "I coming for your title as a heartthrob."

"I don't know about that, sweetheart." he chuckled as he traced the freckles along the top of her cheeks, "I think that happened a while ago."

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