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The night went on

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The night went on. Drinks were drunk, songs were sung and everyone was happy. Streamers remained to fall from the ceiling, even an hour into 1976. Slughorn's office glittered with ballgowns and disco balls, the stone room was alive with music and laughter. The stars outside had nothing on the shimmering teenage girls, pinks, blues and greens contrasted greatly to the grey walls. Dresses of every colour imaginable flowed along with the dancing girls, some with their dates, others with their friends. Jumping up and down to the upbeat sound of someone singing. All eyes were on the girls. In their element as they twisted and twirled in time to the song. Every pair of eyes trained on the dance floor- except for those which were trained on the stage. A brunette girl in a pale pink dress stood in the centre of the platform. Eyes closed, singing softly. She was surrounded by plenty of people, but to her, she was alone. Alone on the stage, clutching the microphone as her dulcet tones weaved into every inch of the room. She was mesmerising, unaware of the stares sent her way, unaware of his stare. His grey eyes watching her every movement, the way she swayed as she sang, every fibre of her body put into this song. He couldn't bear to look away. She was beautiful, too beautiful. She opened her eyes, swiftly finding his. She smiled briefly, unknowing of his sudden increase in heart rate. Sirius Black decided then and there that Eloise Potter deserved the world...she deserved better than him.


Eloise, James, Lily and Sirius were walking through the halls of Hogwarts, on their way to Gryffindor Common Room. Lily was humming the tune of the song Eloise had sung as James watched her, a small smile on his lips as she played with the skirt of her dress. Sirius grabbed hold of Eloise's hand, stopping her. James, aware of his sister and best friend pausing turned back, 

"You go on, we'll catch up." Sirius called and James smirked before following Lily up the staircase. Eloise looked at Sirius, his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes sad, 

"What's wrong, Padfoot?" she asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, he tensed slightly at her touch, 

"I know I kissed you earlier," he said, not looking up from the floor, "but I want you to forget about that." The small smile that had been decorating Eloise's face slipped away, "It was a New Year's kiss - between friends." Sirius continued, still refusing to meet her eye, 

"Of course, that's what I thought." Eloise said, her voice a whisper, "Friends?" she asked and Sirius looked up, 

"Best friends." he confirmed and pulled her into a hug. Both of them forcing smiles, trying to do what's best for one another, utterly oblivious to each other's feelings.


Eloise roamed the grounds of Hogwarts with her friends. It was a sunny Sunday, cold but bright. A Gryffindor scarf shielded Eloise's already flushed cheeks from the wind as she looked for a place to sit. Peter was telling them of his foolproof way of winning Wizard's Chess when she heard jeering and shouting from her left, 

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