84 ~ After All

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Chapter in a bulk: 4/4

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"Happy birthday, love." Sirius was awoken by a whisper close to his face and he opened his eyes. Eloise was lying on his chest, arms crossed and chin on her forearm as she smiled at him, "Finally!" She whisper-shouted, "Good morning, Starshine...the Earth says HELLO!" She giggles as James woke up with a start and mumbled something at Eloise before rolling over and continuing with his obnoxious snoring.

"Good morning." Sirius mumbled, his voice raspy from just having woken up. He smiled at Eloise who had began running her fingertips through his hair,

"Are you going to continue to stare at me like some kind of Creepy McCreeper or do I get to give you your present?" She asked and Sirius raised an eyebrow,

"Are you not going to wait until everyone else is awake?" He asked and Eloise smirked,

"I don't know if they'll appreciate that very much." She laughed as Sirius' eyes widened and his lips spread into a grin, 

"Oh really?" He asked, putting his arms around her waist,

"Yep, because it's outside!" She grinned and got out of bed, walking into the bathroom and smirking as Sirius sighed and got up aswell.

He followed her into the bathroom and leant against the doorframe,

"You're a tease, you know that?" He asked and Eloise raised an eyebrow,

"Really? Oh well I suppose I'll have to shower alone then." She pulled back the curtain and hopped in, the sound of the shower running masking her giggles,

"Now wait just a minute!"


"Why the fuck are your showers so hot?" Sirius asked as they walked hand in hand up some of the many stairs of Hogwarts,

"Oh shut up, you big baby, it was barely lukewarm!"

"Barely lukewarm!?" Sirius repeated incredulously, "I think my fucking kneecaps are aflame!" 

"Stop you're whining, we're here!" Eloise gestured to the Owlery that they were stood in and Sirius pulled a face,

"My present is a large amount of bird droppings?"

"No! It's- ugh forget it, let me just show you." Eloise put her fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly. At her call, a young black owl fluttered down from the rafters, landing on Eloise's shoulder and nuzzling his beak into her cheek. She stroked its head and smiled at Sirius, who's face was still confused. "Tada!" Eloise gestured to the baby owl on her shoulder and Sirius' eyes widened,

"You got me an owl!?"

"Took you long enough...but yes." Eloise smiled and picked the owl up, passing him to Sirius and placing him in the boy's cupped palms. Sirius looked at the bird. His black feathers were ocassionally dotted with those of deep brown and they were smooth with not a single one out of place. His eyes, however were the things that intrigued Sirius the most: they were grey, the same grey as Sirius' own, with a lighter colour around the edges that swirled into a dark grey in the middle, giving the illusion of stormy clouds.

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