7 ~ The Match

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Eloise sat at Gryffindor Table in the Great Hall, her heart pounding against her ribs

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Eloise sat at Gryffindor Table in the Great Hall, her heart pounding against her ribs. She moved the scrambled eggs around on her plate with her fork and her head rested in her hand. Her fork was snatched out of her hand and Remus put some scrambled eggs in her mouth. She looked up at him confused and he just shrugged and smiled, 

"You seemed to have forgotten how to eat." he said simply, 

"Wow, thanks a bunch, Remus." Eloise said sarcastically and nervously played with her hair. It was the first quidditch match of the year and it was Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Eloise looked over her shoulder to look at the Slytherin table and caught Regulus Black, Slytherin seeker and, unfortunately, Sirius' brother, staring at her. Regulus winked at Eloise and smirked arrogantly before returning to his breakfast, 

"Self-obsessed git." Sirius growled and Eloise noticed he was looking at him too. Sirius faced Eloise and his face mirrored her nerves, 

"We're going to win." James said surely opposite them. They both looked at him, 

"Course we will." Sirius replied, Eloise nodded but couldn't help still feeling anxious. She played with a loose thread on her red and gold, striped, quidditch jumper and then tied her long hair back into a ponytail. Sirius was watching her and his hand raised to touch his own hair, 

"Do you think-?" he nodded towards Eloise's ponytail, Eloise smiled, 

"Do you want me to tie up your hair, Siri?" she asked mockingly and he nodded. She stood up behind him and gathered all of his black hair in her hand, it was surprisingly soft, "What shampoo do you use?" she asked as she secured it with a hairband, 

"Nope. Definitely not." he said, shaking his head at he as she sat back down, 

"What?" she asked, 

"I am not going to discuss hair care with you, Eloise. I am not a girl!" he crossed his arms, 

"Really, Sirius? I hadn't noticed." Eloise said sarcastically, 

"Sure you didn't Lou." Sirius shot back, smirking and bopping her on the nose.


"Ok, team!" James shouted, clapping his hands to get the quidditch team's attention, "We are going to go out there and smash Slytherin. You got it?" Eloise scoffed, 

"Wow what great advice, Potter!" she called from the bench, earning a laugh from the others, he stuck up his middle finger, "Chill, Jamesie! Just trying to diffuse the tension." Eloise joked standing up and stretching. James led the teams out onto the pitch, lining up opposite the Slytherin team. Cheers and clapping erupted from the stands, Eloise turned to see Lily and Peter stood and whooping, wrapped up warm, Remus up in the commentator stand. Eloise mounted her broom and looked at Slytherin chaser, Finley Holden, stood opposite her. She looked to her left to see Sirius stood glaring at the Slytherin beater, Bradley Flint. She called out to him and said the words she does every game, 

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