119 ~ Isn't That Swell?

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"Are you actually insane?!"

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"Are you actually insane?!"

"Mr Black-"

"No! I'm not letting you do this."

"We have no choice, Sirius."

"She had a baby two months ago! She is not ready to go on a mission."

"We need everyone we can possibly get, Mr Black. Innocent people are going to be murdered if we don't help."

"I'm going." Eloise stood up from her chair and stood next to Sirius. A determined look painted her face, "I'm not going to sit back and watch as you all fight knowing that I could've helped."

"But what about Alfie?" Sirius lowered his voice and put his hand on Eloise's back, his expression worried as he looked down at his sleeping son, cuddled in Lily's arms,

"Mum and Dad can look after him for a few nights." Eloise cradled Sirius' jaw and looked at him surely, "I have to do this."

"She's a good dueler and a quick thinker." one of the other Order members stepped forward. His electric blue eye twisting to look at Eloise whilst his normal one looked at Sirius,

"Thanks for that, Mad-Eye. We really needed some more convincing." Sirius practically spat as he ran his hand roughly through his hair and stepped backwards. Eloise walked over to him once more,

"Sirius...look at me." she said quietly and he lifted his eyes from the floor, "I'll be careful."

Sirius scoffed,

"Wow! Thanks, Lou. Now I'm utterly reassured." he said sarcastically and Eloise crossed her arms, a sour look crossing her face,

"I am going on this mission, Sirius Black. This argument is over."


"What's the plan, Sir?" Eloise ignored Sirius and turned to Dumbledore,

"We're all going to South Somerset where the attack is supposed to take place."

"Who's on the team?" James asked, trying to act brave and tough but occasionally sending worried glances towards his girlfriend and sister,

"It will consist of: Lupin, Pettigrew, Black, Evans, McKinnon, Moody, Longbottom, Fortescue, Potter...Potter and Morrow."

"Morrow? As in Robyn?" Lily straightened slightly and cast a look to Remus who was slumped in his chair,

"She asked to join us." the werewolf grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose,

"But she's only-"

"I'm of age." everyone looked up at Robyn walked through the door, "I am an adult and I'm coming...whether you like it or not." with that she narrowed her eyes in Remus' direction,

"Well, isn't that swell?" Remus said through gritted teeth as he stood from his chair, walking out of the room.

"I'm guessing Moons isn't too happy about it?" Eloise asked with a small smile as she pulled Robyn into a hug,

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