81 ~ Quite a While

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I'm going to upload some chapters in a bulk to compensate for the days I'm away
Chapter in a bulk: 1/4

I'm going to upload some chapters in a bulk to compensate for the days I'm awayChapter in a bulk: 1/4

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"Remus John Lupin!" the tall boy turned around in the corridor to see Eloise running after him. He smiled at her as she caught up, resting her hands on her knees and breathing heavily,

"Fucking hell you walk fast!" She breathed, "Hoooo, give me a minute." She muttered, holding up a hand. Remus smirked and crossed his arms,

"Out of breath are we, Gryffindor's star chaser?"

"Shut up, Lupin you're legs are a hell of a lot longer than mine!" She stood up properly and crossed her arms, "Why in fucking fuck did you run away from Robyn, you complete moron?" She asked and Remus sighed, rubbing the back of his neck,

"I was scared of what she'd say, Puff." he muttered, "We haven't been together long-"

"Well that's bullshit." Eloise interrupted, "You've almost been together for a year which is longer than me and Sirius were when we said it." She countered with a cheeky grin and Remus groaned,

"I fucking hate it when you're right."

"Awe poor baby." Eloise said sarcastically, pinching his cheek, "Now go and find Robyn and tell her properly before I make you." She threatened and Remus raised an eyebrow, scoffing,

"Was that supposed to scare me?" He asked and Eloise merely raised an eyebrow in response, causing Remus to gulp, "You know, now I think about it, I should go and talk to Robyn." He said nervously and Eloise smiled,

"Good boy."


Robyn was sat in a window seat in Hogwarts corridors, doodling as usual. This time her parchment was littered with little 'R's and hearts. She heard hurried footsteps and looked up to see Remus stood before her, tapping his thighs nervously and his head swarming with so many hurried thoughts that Robyn couldn't even pick one out. 

"Hi." He said and Robyn giggled,

"You've been my boyfriend for almost a year and you're nervous to say 'hi' to me?" She asked and Remus rolled his eyes with a grin, sitting down next to her,

"Well forgive me for still being scared after being threatened by a certain brunette...although her hair was blue at the time."

"Typical Elle." Robyn smirked grabbing Remus' hand and intertwining their fingers, "I'm going to have to talk to her about threatening the boy I love so often." She said casually and Remus spluttered slightly before grinning,

"You love me?"

"Yes, and if you hadn't have run of so quickly after you said it you would already know." She told him and he gave her a guilty look,

"I was scared."

"I know, Rem, I can read your mind, remember?" She jokingly waved her hands about and Remus smiled, grabbing her flailing hands and holding them in his,

"Let me do this properly." He said seriously and Robyn nodded, her pale, green eyes searching his chocolate brown ones, "Robyn Eliza Morrow," he started, "I love you. Everything about you. Your little bouncy walk which make your curls hit me in the face; your beautiful smile that will never fail to light up a room; your little butt-"

"Remus!" Robyn scolded but she was smiling widely,

"I'm serious, Ro." He shrugged with a grin,

"I thought that was Elle's boyfriend." Robyn smirked and Remus rolled his eyes,

"I even love your shitty puns." He whispered before leaning in and kissing her, dropping her hands and lifting his own to cup her cheeks.

"I love you too, Remus John Lupin." Robyn said as they pulled apart. She ran her hands through his sandy hair and pecked his lips, cradling his jaw, "And I think I will do for quite a while."


Eloise was sat with Sirius and James in the dorm. James was groaning every five minutes and the sound of a quill scratching against parchment could be heard as he struggled with his Potions homework. Sirius was smiling as Eloise hummed whilst she plaited his hair. He wasn't sure why he was letting her do it but he just couldn't seem to tell her no.

The three of them looked up as the door opened and Lily walked in, tears streaming down her face. Eloise immediately dropped Sirius' hair and ran over to her, pulling her into hug. James and Sirius also stood up, hanging back with worries looks on their faces,

"Lily, what's wrong? What happened?" Eloise asked, pulling back and wiping Lily's freckles cheeks to rid the tears,

"Sev-Severus." Lily choked out and Eloise eyes narrowed as she shared a look with James,

"What did he do, Lils?" She asked,

"I saw him bullying some First Years with his horrid friends, Avery and Mulciber." She told them, her green eyes filled with hatred, "I told them to stop, threatening to give them detention and Avery called me...he called me a mudblood and said things about how my parents deserved the fate they got." She shook her heard slightly, more tears spilling onto her face as James' fists clenched, "Severus did nothing, absolutely nothing...he just told me to leave and continued to torment the children." 

"Those bastards!" James walked up to Lily and pulled her into a hug, it shocked Eloise and Sirius when she returned it, sobbing into his shoulder,

"I feel like an idiot for crying, but I've known Severus for years, I can't believe who he's become." She whispered and James shook his head,

"You're not an idiot, Lily. It's just that you, unlike those snakey gits, have feelings." He pulled away and wiped his cheek with her thumb, "But trust me, they're gonna have feelings when I pulverise them into fucking dust." He seethed and let go of Lily, "Pads!" He gestured for Sirius to follow him. Sirius pecked Eloise's cheek and quickly hugged Lily,

"Don't worry, Lils, we'll sort it." He told her before leaving out of the door to follow James, presumably to hex some Slytherins.

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