114 ~ He Promised...

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It was Thursday evening

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It was Thursday evening. This meant that almost 12 hours had passed since Sirius was supposed to have been home. Eloise was curled up on the sofa, one of Sirius' hoodies over her body so the sweet scent of peppermint flooded her senses. She was staring into the fireplace with a blank expression on her face. Her only movement was the absent-minded sweeping of her hand across her stomach. Her only sound was the occasional whisperings of,

"He promised..."

"Darling...you have to eat something." Euphemia stood worriedly at the kitchen door, a bowl of soup in her hands,

"I'm not hungry." Eloise said in a monotone voice and her mother sighed, opening her mouth to say something else motherly and sympathetic but she was interrupted by a silver mist floating in and hovering in the centre of the room. The mist was in the form of doe and Eloise immediately sat up straight, her stare focused unwaveringly on the doe as it began to form the sound of Lily's voice,

"Elle! Our attack was anticipated and we were outnumbered. We've all found shelter in an abandoned shed but...Sirius is hurt, Eloise." Lily Evans' whispered voice rang through the room and Eloise held her breath as a tear rolled down her cheek, "I-it's pretty bad-"

Lily was cut off by a scream of anguish that Eloise recognised immediately as Sirius'. Lily began to shush Sirius and Eloise let out a small whimper as she listened to his cries of pain, "Eloise, alert Dumbledore and get all of the Order together." the silver doe faded and Eloise stared at the place where it disappeared,

"Belle...you need to tell Dumbledore." Euphemia's voice dripped with fear as she thought about her sons out there and Eloise immediately leapt to action,

"Mum, tell me if they come here!" she shouted as she pulled on a coat and grabbed a handful of floo powder, sending her mum a reassuring look before twisting to become one of the roaring emerald flames.


"-and since we have no form of communication without endangering them, we do nothing."

"NOTHING?!" Eloise stood up from her chair and glared at her prior Headmaster,

"We shall stay here, awaiting their return." Dumbledore nodded with a slightly stern expression,

"My boyfriend is about to die and my brother and friends are at risk of being murdered and we have to sit here on our arses, preparing tea and cakes for when they get back?!"

"Miss Potter-"

"I can't just wait patiently until they come back from their suicide mission! We could at least-"

"We cannot do anything, Miss Potter." Dumbledore interrupted her and gave her a sympathetic look, "Everyone on that mission is skilled and quick-thinking. They'll know to apparate away as soon as the coast is clear. But for now, we must wait for that moment."

"I don't know if I can do that." Eloise grumbled and Dumbledore walked forward to place a hand on her shoulder,

"Why don't you get some sleep, Miss Potter. Your lack of rest will do no good to you or the child." he advised and Eloise sighed, casting her eyes to the ground,

"It's not that easy, Sir."

"I assure you that Mister Black will return and will be nursed to full health but worrying isn't going to rush that process. I suggest you sleep, Miss Potter, and perhaps Sirius will return after you wake."


Eloise had taken Dumbledore's advice and had fallen into a fretful and extremely light sleep. Scenes flashed through her head of how she pictured the attack and she had woken up a multitude of times before deciding that sleeping was fruitless and opted to just lay in bed indefinitely. She had managed to drive herself into near insanity with the gruesome pictures she had conjured of an injured Sirius. Dawn arrived and the Sun peeked over the valleys, donning the vast countryside with a warm glow. Eloise, sporting bags under her eyes and a head of hair that the Mad Hatter would be proud of, sat on the sofa with a warm mug of tea nestled between her palms. Euphemia and Fleamont were sat beside her, pretending to be absorbed in either the newspaper or their knitting but were really watching her expression intently - or lack thereof. It was only when the sound of footsteps could be heard from outside the door did her eyes widen and her head turn to the side.

The door opened and Euphemia leapt up, immediately rushing forward to greet a muddied James and Lily who were supporting a blood-covered Sirius between them. Fleamont joined his wife and they collectively performed healing spells and charms to the best of their ability to try and mend their numerous injuries. Eloise was frozen. She had yet to rise from her seat and she was simply staring at Sirius. Staring at the rips in his clothes and the way that he couldn't put weight on his left leg. After Euphemia and Fleamont had finished with the spells, James and Lily released Sirius and he gingerly tested out his ankle, smiling at the Potters as he stood comfortably. Euphemia let out a small sob and immediately threw her arms around her sons and Lily, Fleamont patting them all on the shoulders with a relieved smile. Before long, the hug had ended and all attention was on Eloise. Sirius stepped forward from the group and Eloise stood up, her mug falling from her hands as she sprinted at Sirius, wrapping her arms around him and placing her face against his chest to muffle her sobs.

"Hey, love. It's okay, I'm okay." Sirius soothed, wrapping one arm around her waist to steady her and using the other to stroke her hair,

"I-I was so worried when Lily said you were hurt a-and I was so s-scared. I thought I-I'd lost you and-"

"Shh. Shh, you didn't lose me. I'm right here." he whispered and Eloise sobs deepened as she clutched at his shirt,

"You fucking promised." she muttered and Sirius let out a sigh,

"I know and I'm sorry...though it wasn't entirely my fault."

"Shut up, you wanker." Eloise laughed weakly as she pulled away and put a hand to his cheek, "Don't ever fucking leave me like that again!" she warned and Sirius smiled slightly,

"I don't intend to."

"Umm, my turn! I'm the big brother that also could've died!" James pointed and gestured madly to himself and Eloise rolled her eyes before a grin spread on her face and she ran towards her brother, letting him pick her up in his arms and spin her around,

"I was worried about you too, Jamie." she told him and he smiled, winking at Sirius,

"I never doubted you were...you're only human."

So I'm going away for the weekend so no updates for the next two days sorryy :))

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