106 ~ Are You Mental?

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The dreaded day was upon the Marauders

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The dreaded day was upon the Marauders. The day that each of them wished would just be a distant thought for the future. But no. It was the beginning of N.E.W.T.s and to say that the Marauders were upset was an understatement. It was half an hour until the first exam and the five friends were lying in bed, plotting ways to prolong the inevitable. Peter was hiding under his covers as a rat to avoid confrontation from anyone. Remus was trying desperately to ignore Robyn's attempts at waking him up by snoring more heavily each time she tried to speak. James was trying with all of his might to 'shh' Lily back to sleep by stroking her hair and holding her in his arms so she couldn't get out of bed. Eloise and Sirius were just lying in bed refusing to move as Sirius clutched the duvet over them very tightly in case a certain redhead tried to rip it off them - a tendency she had.

Eloise yawned and rested her head on Sirius' chest, her fingers writing words on his side,

"What's today's exam on?" Sirius whispered and Eloise stopped moving her finger for a moment to think,

"Herbology." she answered before resuming tracing patterns onto his skin,

"That's fine, Herbology is a breeze." Sirius picked up a strand of Eloise's warm brown hair and pulled the small wave straight before letting it drop again, "Keep your hair natural today." he said and Eloise looked up with a frown, "I mean leave it brown and wavy."


"Because it's beautiful." he shrugged and Eloise smiled, "You don't normally show your little ringlets." Sirius pointed out and Eloise nodded slightly,

"I was always made to straighten it by Abraxas...I guess the habit stuck."

"It looks good either way." Sirius said and Eloise smiled once more, leaning up to connect their lips,

"Right enough flirting, you two!" James' voice broke them apart, "Lily made me get up so now I'm doing the same to you." he crossed his arms and gestured for them to get out of bed. Eloise and Sirius simultaneously rolled their eyes, Eloise crossing her arms and pouting whilst Sirius' loosened his grip on the covers to James could yank them off.

"We'd better be bloody getting breakfast." Eloise grumbled and Lily looked up,

"Are you mental? We have twenty five minutes!"

"I'm feeding for two! This child is hungry! I feel her kicking when she senses food and it isn't pleasant."

"She? I thought it was a boy." Sirius looked at Eloise in surprise,

"I think it's a girl now." she shrugged before walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower,

"Eloise, you don't have time for a shower!" Lily shouted and they all heard the shower turn off along with a number of angry mumbles from the bathroom,

"Bloody tests making me have to bloody rush." the bathroom door opened and Eloise emerged in her school robes and a very angry look on her face, her baby bump vanished from sight. She walked over to Sirius, putting her head on his chest and closing her eyes,

"Umm, love...I need to put on my tie." Sirius chuckled and Eloise held out her hand for him to give her the tie. She lifted her head and put the tie around his neck, securing the knot and patting his cheek before resting her head on his chest again.

"Is this your way of telling me you want me to carry you?"

"Yes please." Eloise said in a small voice and Sirius smirked, turning around and bending down so Eloise could jump on his back.


"Students! Stop talking! Walk in and take your seats! Mister Pettigrew, open your eyes! Mister Potter, tie your tie. And Miss Potter, please get off of Mister Black's back." Professor McGonagall gave the Marauders a stern look as they walked into the Great Hall,

"Sorry, Minnie." Eloise yawned as Sirius put her down,

"Miss Potter! You will address me-"

"With all due respect, Professor." Eloise interrupted with a small frown, "I'm pregnant, hungry and very sleepy so I'd appreciate it if I could get this over and done with."

James and Sirius tried to muffle their laughs and Remus covered his smile with his hand. To their surprise, McGonagall merely let out a small sigh and put a hand on Eloise's shoulder, she had felt sorry for the young girl ever since she found out about her pregnancy,

"Have you not eaten, Miss Potter?" she asked and Eloise shook her head,

"I wanted to but someone," she looked pointedly at Lily who put her hands up in mock surrender, "said we were too late to get breakfast so know I'm going to die of starvation halfway through my Venomous Tentacula essay." she whined and banged her forehead against Sirius' arm. McGonagall gave her a sympathetic smile and with a wave of her wand, summoned a plate of toast and marmalade,

"Eat up." she whispered to them all, "You have 10 minutes until the exam starts."

"Thanks, Professor!" James beamed and Minerva McGonagall had to hold back a smile as Sirius reached out and passed a piece of toast to Eloise who sighed in relief and stuffed it in her mouth. The Transfiguration Professor couldn't help but feel proud of the young Sirius Black as her fastened his arm around Eloise and rubbed her back,

"Be careful tomorrow, Lou." he muttered, "You have to eat. But don't worry, I'll get up earlier so I can get you something."

'He's certainly grown up.' the teacher thought as she watched the group walk away, Robyn waving goodbye to Remus at the door; Peter muttering plant names under his breath; James holding Lily's hand as he cracked jokes to try and ease her nerves and Lily trying desperately to hide her grin; and Sirius and Eloise holding onto one another and Sirius whispering into Eloise's ear as he placed a hand on her stomach. 'They all have.'

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