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Ahh I'm sorry but look how cute Alice and Frank are!! ^^

Alice and Frank walked out of the closet hand in hand, breathless and both with messy hair and swollen lips. Sirius whistled from his seat on the floor, his back against the sofa with one elbow up resting on the seat and the other arm around Eloise. He cupped his hands over his mouth,

"Get some Longbottom!" he jeered and Eloise smacked his chest, though a grin was on her face. Alice blushed as Frank pulled her onto his lap, pressing a kiss to her neck. The group all groaned and James went as far as throwing a pillow at them,

"We don't want to see you make my godchild right now guys" Eloise said sternly, pointing a finger at them. Alice rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her.

"Right!" James shouted, "Next up is - would you look at that! It's me and Evans" he beamed and turned to Lily who pursed her lips. She begrudgingly got up and walked to the cupboard,

"Let's get this over with" she sighed and walked in, James skipping in behind her, sending a thumbs up to Sirius before he closed the door.

About ten seconds had passed when James' voice came out of the cupboard.

"It's quite dark in here, isn't it?"

"Why are you holding my hand Potter?" Eloise had to stifle her giggles as she buried her head in Sirius' shoulder.

"No reason"

"Potter, that's my foot. You're standing on my foot. Pot - Potter. That's my foot! POTTER GET OFF OF MY FOOT!"


"How much longer?"

"Sirius! How much longer?"

"Still seven minutes mate"

"Still seven minutes"
"Yes Potter, I have ears, even though you almost deafened me with your obnoxious voice"

"You can't say much, I think my ears are bleeding"
"Then you shouldn't have stepped on my foot...Potter why is your hand on my face?"

"I'm being romantic"

"That is my eye, your finger is in my EYE"

And on it went until, with about four minutes to go it went deadly silent. At the seven minute mark, Sirius shouted them,

"TIMES UP! Stop snogging now" the two burst out of the cupboard. Lily glared at them all through narrowed eyes.

"Nothing. Happened." James followed her out, a cheesy grin plastered onto his face, and his eyes wide. He said nothing and sat down and closing his eyes, as if to savour the moment before glancing up at Lily every few seconds, as if he was mesmerised - which, to be fair, he was.


The door closed and Eloise and Sirius were plunged into darkness. Sirius, being the slick boy he was, put his hand on the wall behind Eloise, leaning towards her but stopping before he reached her face,

"You know, we don't have to-" his whisper was cut off as Eloise kissed him, her hands on the back of his head. He responded instantly, cupping her cheek. The timer ticked on, getting dangerously close to the seven minutes. The friends outside of the cupboard, especially James, had begun to get worried at the lack of sound emitting from the room. The timer dinged, signalling the end and James leapt up, banging on the door,

"Ok times up!" he shouted but he was still met with silence, "That's enough you two! Sirius, if you don't get out of there right now I'm going to-" James' sentence was interrupted by the click of the door locking, "Wha- I didn't even know there was a lock in there!" James crossed his arms, outraged. "Fine, you've left me no choice, I'm going to..." he looked around for help, but none came. "...ruin the mood" he decided eventually, putting his ear to the door and groaned when he still heard nothing, "Ahem, a-one, a-two, a-one, two, three, four! HOGWARTS HOGWARTS HOGGY WARTY HOGWARTS!" he began to sing, using his fingers as though he was conducting. Remus put his head in his hands as James continued to belt out the school song. He came to the end but there was still no sign of Eloise or Sirius. James growled but his face lit up as an idea came to him, "Well, if this is how you want to play, then fine" he smirked, "STORYTIME! It was second year, the ickle-pickle Eloise - at that point - Malfoy, was strolling down the halls on her way to Herbology, her arms full of all of her nerdy books. Her little legs moving quickly so she wasn't late" James began to snicker at the memory, "I, being the funny prankster that you all know and love, decided that it would be funny to jump out at my best friend from my hiding spot behind a pillar. And so, I did just that, and Eloise was so scared that she-" James didn't get to say what Eloise did as the door slammed open, Eloise walking out with a dangerous look on her face,

"Don't even think about it" she warned. The group behind them cringed as they observed Eloise, they couldn't deny that she was terrifying when she wanted to be. Sirius walked out behind her with a mischievous grin on his face,

"No Prongs, tell us" he said, leaning against the wall,

"As you wish Padfoot" James laughed, "Well when I scared her, Eloise-" Eloise, in an attempt to stop her brother, jumped on his back, "She- she" he tried to get out but Eloise had him in a chokehold, "SHE PEED HER PANTS!"

Eloise froze, stopping her thrashing of James. She slid off of his back and fell to the floor,

"NOO!" she shrieked and hid her face in her hands, "I hate you James" she whispered as she peeked through her hands, watching as Sirius tried to stifle a laugh, "Now Sirius isn't going to like me" she whined and stood up, smacking James upside the head as she passed him on her way to the couch, sitting down and crossing her arms with a pout. Sirius followed her and put an arm around her shoulder, nuzzling his nose into her cheek,

"Don't worry Lou" he said and lowered his voice to a whisper, "What you did in the cupboard makes up for it"


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