87 ~ Hazard a Guess

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The Scottish countryside whizzed past the window of the Hogwarts Express

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The Scottish countryside whizzed past the window of the Hogwarts Express. Robyn Morrow was drawing small flowers on the fogged up window as Remus Lupin watched her with a smile present on his face. Peter Pettigrew was sleeping, his head resting against James Potter's shoulder as the latter was arguing with his sister who was sat opposite him. Lily Evans sat beside the girl and her boyfriend, an amused smile on her face as she listened to them going back and forth. 

"It is pronounced scooone." Eloise Potter insisted, dragging out the 'o' sound as her brother shook his head,

"No! It's scon." James turned to Sirius Black who was sat next to Eloise, his arm lazily slung around her shoulders and he twirled a piece of her hair between his fingers, "Back me up here, Padfoot."

"Sorry, mate but I agree with Puff." Sirius shrugged and James made a spluttering noise, "It must be a Sacred Twenty-Eight thing."

"Oh yes, the requirements of the Sacred Twenty-Eight:" Eloise scoffed, "Only speak when spoken to; learn fluent French; grow up to follow the Dark Lord; and be taught to correctly pronounce a pastry." She counted them off on her fingers and the group laughed, the argument between James and Eloise seemingly forgotten as they moved onto the topic of N.E.W.T.s,

"I don't think they're as bad as the teachers make them out to be." Sirius said, earning himself a scoff from Lily,

"Is that you or your ego talking, Black?" She teased and Sirius flipped her off.

"I'm just saying that loads of people have passed them...even Lucius Malfoy and that's saying something." He smirked and James snorted,

"Ugh he's such a dick you know?" Eloise added with a look of distaste,

"And you're saying this like it's new information?"

"Shut up, Beastie! I got a letter from him last week reminding me that I'm not allowed in the near vicinity to Malfoy Manor." She threw her hands in the air and pulled a face, "How utterly useless is that? Does he honeslty believe that I'd want to step foot near that cold, soul- sucking house unless it's to fucking burn it down?" She crossed her arms and her nose scrunched up in annoyance,

"Well..." Sirius started with a smirk and Eloise looked up at him, "When we get our house, you can send him a letter saying the same thing." He smiled and her and her annoyance faded, her frown being replaced by a grin,

"Good idea-"

"I'm sorry, your house!?" James interrupted and Sirius and Eloise's eyes widened,


"You're moving in together?" His eyes were narrowed,

"Yeah, mate, I asked her over the summer." Sirius told him, his tone making it clear that he was trying to calm James down,

"And you didn't think to tell me then?" He asked angrily and Eloise's expression changed to mirror her brother's,

"Considering the fact that this is your reaction, James can you blame us?" She asked,

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