RK900 X Reader: You monster!

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 Requested part 2 to 'Come back home, Darling'!

What's he doing here! How is he even here?! You backed up, that voice sending you into a downward spiral of panic. Did you leave something to trace you? No, you destroyed your phone back at the house before you left him. You felt your back hit the wall as the door crashed down, panic settling in at an alarming rate. 

"Get away from me!" Your scream alerted the others and they were at your side in minutes, Markus and North fending off the crazed lunatic. Josh and Simon were keeping you safe in a separate part of the church, the office and trying to help you breathe slower and not hyperventilate.

"Why is he here..?"

"What do you mean why baby?! I had to come and get you back!" Lies, all lies. He only wanted you for his little games. You shook your head, trying to ignore him and find your own voice to counter his false intentions

"Jus- Just SHUT UP! YOU'RE A LIAR RK900!" He frowned, and it could burn a hole through everyone keeping him away from you. Feeling a rectangular object being placed in your hand, you noticed that Simon had found your phone and handed it to you. Calling for help would just attract noise, so you texted the first person on the list; Connor. The text was simple: 'Help me. Your brother is a lunatic, I'm at the church'.

Nothing happened for 5 minutes until sirens followed and Hank opened the door, gun in hand and eyes locked onto your captor ex-boyfriend. The Android you contacted followed soon after, along with a team of trained officers to restrain Conan on the ground. He yelled curses and ended up being cuffed and dragged away to be shut down for good. Just what the madman deserved.

Sleep came easily at night, he was gone and you were safe. Finally, but the lesson was learned; never fall for charming monsters ever again.

I hope you guys like the part 2! It took me a while and I'm sorry! I have a lot of revision to do but I really wanted to finish this for you, my Lights!


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