Gavin x Reader : Right back at you

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Sometimes I really hate Reed. He's a jackass but because Jeffrey made me his partner, I have to deal with it. "Let's get a move on Y/N, death at the Eden Club, wonder what perv had too much action~" He cackled and patted my shoulder. Fucking Gavin...

I got into the car and started the engine, ignoring my partner's stare. We arrived and I sighed, talking to an officer "So, heart attack?"

"Seems so detective" I sighed and walked around the corpse, nothing worth bagging for evidence. Connor and Hank entered and I waved, shaking their hands. Hank nodded but I heard Gavin make two childish insults about them.

"Sorry about that you two, let's just leave Reed" I huffed and dragged his rude ass out of the strip club. He threw a smirk my way and rested his hand on my leg. Tingles shot up my back but I forced myself to ignore it and focus on the road. I admit I was attracted to the detective beside me.

"Ah, shit! I can't get to the station. I'm gonna have to stop at my house. You alright with that?" I asked him, not giving him any eye contact. He snickered and nodded.

"Yeah, detective didn't know you wanted to get in my pants so much Y/N~"I deadpanned and stopped harshly in my driveway, throwing him forward. "Pervert..."

Opening the door and hanging my jacket, I collapsed on the couch, sighing about my situation. I awkwardly got up and passed him in the kitchen, and made hot chocolate for the both of us. "Here" I handed it to him and looked down.

"Thanks, sexy"

"You know what Reed? Fuck you"

"Right back at you Y/N, right now even~"


This book's reached over 100 reads?! Thank you so much! I honestly thought this wasn't going to get over 20 reads. I'm glad you guys like it so much


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