Connor x Hank: Morning Lieutenant

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I rose from my low power mode, it was 7:50 am. Looking over to my left, Hank was still sleeping peacefully, so I got up silently and went downstairs to the kitchen. I looked through the fridge and found enough ingredients to make us both some pancakes. 'I should do the groceries soon'  I thought as I put an apron.

"Hopefully Hank fancies blueberries..."



'What's the damn time?'  I turned to face the clock, it was 7:30 am? Great, I wake up early on a weekend. Grumbling, I threw the covers off and went to get changed, I couldn't care about the duvet. Leaving the room, all I could smell was berries.

"Connor, the hell are you doing in the kitchen?"I asked the awkward android. I had reached the hallway and he turned to me, showing me the blueberry pancakes. Damn, the boy can really cook breakfast.

"Smells good Connor! I'll just make coffee, sit down!" I offered and he nodded, sitting at the table patiently. God, he's so fucking adorable. I get into the kitchen and make us each a cup of coffee. It finished and I poured it into our mugs, setting them down.  I sat down as well and took a sip out of my mug, Connor did the same.

"How was your morning Hank?" I sighed, he's too good for this fucked up world.

"Fucking ridiculous, I woke up way too damn early for a Saturday" He nodded and his LED went yellow. We continued with our breakfast and put the plates away. We were going to the cinema, I got my coat but Connor tugged on my sleeve.

"I forgot to say this, but: Good morning Lieutenant!"

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