RK900 x Cyborg! Reader : Advanced

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My parts were being repaired in my garage, they had overheated and malfunctioned, so I called my engineer friend to help. "You really did a number on these parts. How did Cyberlife even let you have this?" She laughed, finalising the repair.

"I don't know! Oh, and thank you!" I hugged her and ran out, wanting to continue my jog. I made it to the front door when I got a call from work. "Yes, Hank? What do you want? I'm off" I was a lieutenant along with Anderson.

"Jeffrey's partnered you up with Connor's new fucking android friend"

"The RK900?" He hummed his response and I sighed, I was going to visit Elijah today, but duty calls. I brought up my very own version of the mind palace and I had a roughly 15-minute drive to the station. I'll call a taxi.

Entering the station and greeting Connor, I made my way to Fowler's office. "What's this about a new partner?" He pointed towards Hank and I saw him, he was taller than our Connor, visibly more muscular and had a hard glare on him. I chuckled, and walked up to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hello Lieutenant, I'm your new partner" I grinned, and saw Connor shiver,  it sounded too much like him, just with a deeper voice.

"Well, I can't keep calling you RK900. I'll call you Conan instead" Conan nodded, his LED flashing yellow for a brief moment.

I brought him to my house and changed out of my uniform and into something more comfortable. "Make yourself at home Conan, you'll be staying with me from now on" He nodded and took off his white jacket, hanging it up.

I saw him walk into the garage and he called my name "Lieutenant, why are there Android parts in here? To my knowledge you've never owned an android." I laughed and opened the door, where Conan was holding up some bio-components.

I removed some of the skin from my right arm, made my LED more obvious and my eyes glowed blue. "Say hello to Detroit's first ever cyborg cop! Lieutenant Kamski at your service" I giggled as he moved in closer to inspect the android in me"

He scanned me and hummed "You are Elijah Kamski's sister, correct?" I nodded and shrugged, pulling him into the living room to sit him down. "Yeah, I was going to go visit him then go to Cyberlife to upgrade to RK900 parts"

"May I ask why Lieutenant?"

"I like to stay as advanced as possible Conan. Cyborg cops are quite rare"

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