Hank x Connor: You aren't broken, son

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That tin can hadn't been in the office for three days. Where the fuck is he? Recently, he's been more sceptical, what's that about? Sighing, I walked over to Fowler's office and opened the door. He wasn't even paying attention for fuck's sake.

"Jeffrey! Fucking pay attention!" I slammed my hand down in front of him and he finally looked up. He rolled his eyes and put the paperwork to one side.

"What do you want Hank?! I need you in the office, you can't be leaving every chance you get!" He complained, rubbing his forehead. He didn't realise the android was missing.

"Connor's gone! Come on Jeffrey, be reasonable for fuck's sake! He's never missing from the office!" He looked wide-eyed and gave me the day off to look for him. Thank fucking God.



I'm deviant, they'll shut me down and replace me. I'm useless, my mission was to stop the deviants, yet I've become one myself. I walked to the edge of the roof and stared down the barrel of the gun. If I shot myself, no one would notice me up here. I'd just be 'another android', there are plenty of replacements at CyberLife.

"Just.... pull the trigger, and it will all be over " I tried to convince myself, but I was terrified, what would Hank do if he found me? Would he kill himself too?

"You fuckin' android! What the hell are you doing here?!" What? I turned around and Hank was walking towards me. He took the gun out of my hand and threw down the 25 story building. I looked down, and started trembling, before bursting into a full sob, kneeling down with my head in my hands.

"Come here son" I hugged him tightly and cried into his shoulder. He pet my hair and hummed in my ear.

"Connor, you aren't broken, and no one is taking you away from me. Ever"

Detroit: Become Human; ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now