Child Conan x Child Connor X Reader: Get some sleep boys.

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We had been out in the park, gone to the cinema and returned quite late, long past the boys' bedtime. Conan had been complaining about the way home that he was tired. My two cute android boys.

"Come on you two, in we get" They dragged their feet inside and Connor curled up on the couch, resting his head on the cushion. I sat down beside him and stroked his hair, it helped him drift to sleep faster. Conan sat cross-legged on the floor, his head resting against my leg.

"Can I have some milk Y/N?" Conan tugged on my trouser leg and Connor subconsciously nodded. I chuckled and ruffled their hair, getting up and preparing their drinks. I returned and handed it to the sleepy duo. Conan smiled and his brother sat up slowly, grabbing the cup and drinking it quickly.

"That better?" They nodded "I think it's time we go to bed properly now" Connor climbed onto my back and Conan took my hand. We walked up the stairs and I took them to their shared room. I left them to change as I went into my room. I changed into my pyjamas and wished the boys a goodnight.



"Aaah!" Was what woke me up at 3 am in the morning. I shot up and ran into their room. Conan was hunched over, crying his poor eyes out. I rushed in and cradled him beside me, and whispered sweet nothings to calm him down. He wiped his eyes and looked down.

"I saw you.... they took you away from us, and put you in a cage, a-and k-killed y-you" He admitted, shaking. I kissed his forehead and turned the lights back on.

"I'm not going anywhere, ok? I'm never going to go" He nodded and hugged me. Connor came up to me and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Can we sleep with you? Then you can't leave" I chuckled and grinned, taking their hands walking back into my room. They crawled on and snuck under the covers. I got in between them and the cuddled up to me.

"Thanks, Y/N / Thank you"

"No problem. Now get some sleep boys"

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