Connor x Markus: Carry me, I'm tired

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Connor stumbled into the church, it was 2 am and he had finished a late shift at the police station. What he hadn't accounted for was how fast his battery would drain. Android behaviour at low battery is similar to a drunkard. Sluggish, slurring and stumbling around.  Sitting down on a random bench he found, he rested his head against the nearest still object. Which just so happened to be Markus.

"Wha- who are...? Oh, it's you. Hey, Con" Markus tilted his head and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Shifting the android off his shoulder, he tried to get up. Before he could, Connor grabbed him by his hip and pulled him back down, resting his head on Markus' lap. Markus blushed before trying to shove the tired boy off his lap.

"Connor! Get yourself off of me! Why me of all people? We do have beds you know?" Connor opened his eyes, looked directly into Markus' heterochromia eyes and shook his head.

"Don't want to. You're comfortable enough for me, I just need to charge up to half at least. Please?" The detective looked up towards the activist with puppy dog eyes and Markus knew that he couldn't resist it.  Shaking his head, he gave in and Connor grinned childishly.

"Fine, you can use my lap, but only until quarter full. After that, you're going to bed." Connor nodded, closing his eyes again, pulling Markus' hand so that he was stroking his dark hair. Markus hummed, he didn't realise Connor's hair was so soft. Before he realised, Connor was tapping his leg.

"I'm at a quarter battery, I'll go to the beds now."

"Alright alright." Markus hummed.

"Carry me though, I'm still tired"

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