Simon x Reader: Don't, for me?

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-Mentions of Self-harm

You were feeling lonelier since the protests began. You understood, you protest beside them regularly, but you couldn't feel their pain, you were already a member of society. But you had become a bit of a social outcast. "I'm just gonna... catch some sleep"

Simon watched you leave the church, he was worried that you weren't actually just going to go home and sleep. He shook his head, he didn't want to seem over the top.

"I'm sorry Simon, it's becoming too much. I, I can't take the stress anymore, who do I turn to?" You finished your self-confession and took the razor from out of your bathroom drawer. Dragging it across your arm , you winced at the pain but swallowed as a trail of blood ran down your arm. 'I'm so sorry...'

Simon came home and the house was quieter than usual. He put his bag down and checked your shared room. ' where is Y/N?' A choked sob from the bathroom and he rushed. The door was locked, he tried knocking to see if you would open, but no answer.

"Y/N, please open the door!" He pleaded before he paused then kicked the door in. You scrambled to the corner, afraid that he'll be disappointed at you for cutting again. But he grabbed the blade out of your hand and threw it in the bin, then cleaned and bandaged the cut.

"Y-Y/N, Why? I don't want you to hurt yourself. " His voice was cracking as he hugged you close. It didn't take long for you to break down, sobbing into his shoulder.

"I, I just can't take the stress and abuse any more. M-my family and f-friends have abandoned me. I'm alone." Simon hugged you tightly, like you'd fly away if he let go.

"Y/N, you don't have to protest with us, if it's hurting you mentally. Please, I just want you to be safe. Promise you'll try to get help?" You nodded and swallowed shakily.

"Thank you Simon, I love you"

-Ok, serious note. Anyone going through some tough times, I promise there will be a way out of the darkness. Talk to someone, as hard as it is. I know it seems as if no one wants to listen but I promise those close to you will listen to your problems.

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