Merman! Draco

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The wind was howling, sending stinging whips across the brown haired man's cheek. He brushed it aside, determined to save his boat, and save his crew. As he shouted orders, he voice began to fade away, taken by the wind.

His crew was scattered around, being knocked around on deck. He frantically looked around to see if everyone was still there. Lucas was laying on the ground, shaking lightly. Whether that was from the cold, or his own nerves, no one could tell.

As Harry stood at the bow of the boat, desperate to save his team, there was a sudden knock below him, causing him to fall to his knees and gasp. The violence of it shook him to his core. Slowly it seemed as if the world was tilting.


All he could hear was screams. From his blurry, watered vision he could see Lance attempting to pull someone up from the rail. He struggled to his feet, forcing his way against gravity. As he made his way over, he noticed a mess of curly red hair, and pale skin. It seemed to glow against the dark, nearly black water.

They were warned against this trip. Told not to go, yet their Captain insisted. He assured them the weather would pass, they'd be safe. Oh how little he knew.

He heaved his upper body over the quarter deck, which seemed now to be much closer to the water than at the beginning of this trek. He clung to the pale hand, desperately trying to save the friend he made on this voyage. As he pulled, he knew it was a lost cause. The boat was sinking, and was taking his crew with it.

The desperate look in the boys eyes made his heart sink. The kid was no older than 19, trying to make money to support his family. His parents couldn't afford the five children they had, all school age. Harry tried his best to leave those thoughts behind.

"It's alright Captain. You can let go. My leg, it's hurt. It's hurt real bad sir. Can't move it much." The boy said, loosening his grip on the older man's hand.

Harry shook his head, rain and tears mixing, making his face wet. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." And with that he let the boy drop to the water below, and watched him sink beneath the violent waves.

Another sudden jolt and he felt nothing.


The waves crashed around him, deafening him. He struggled to breathe, to stay above water. He couldn't yell out, could barely struggle. The water splashed around him and he sank lower.


That's what he felt as he sank lower. He could've sworn he felt a hand, something touch him. He was dragged down, much faster than his normal weight would allow naturally.

Soon it was just black. He couldn't feel anymore, other than the drifting his mind allowed. It seemed he was dead, but he didn't know what that felt like so how could he be sure.


He could hear muffled sounds, not quite English. It sounded bubbly, and sort of twinkly. As if Christmas lights were a voice.

As he struggled to open his eyes the voices settled around him. He felt something on his arm and as he finally pried his eyes open he was met with beautiful faces.

They were beautiful, but not human. He could feel his heart beating in his chest. Was he dead? Was his heaven being surrounded by attractive, not quite human things?

"M' I dead?" He mumbled, wanting to lift his hand. He attempted to, but it felt like lifting a 50 pound weight.

"Eratis. Nunc tu es ad nos gratias agimus vivit." One of the faces above him said, peering down at the man, who felt small and insignificant compared to these beings.

"Se intellegunt doesnt. Nobis necesse est interpres. Ut Draco." Someone else said, causing Harry to strain his neck.

That was a name. A name he could understand. "Draco? Who's Draco? What's happening?"

He was frantic now, not sure if he was actually safe or not. As he panicked and looked around at the glaring, beautiful faces, he heard shuffling from a few feet away.

"Hello. My name is Draco. You are safe." A blond man said, stepping closer to the man on the bed.

"Thank god you speak English. Where am I? What's going on?" He said, searching in his eyes for an answer.

"You... you almost died. But we saved you. You are alive and safe." He said, delicately placing a hand on Harry's arm. It was small and thin, almost dainty. It was beautiful and matched the rest of him.

"In order to save you however. We had to... change.. you. You are no longer how you were before. You are more like us." He said, looking down. The others surrounding us glared in his direction, seeming to blame him for saving the brunets life.

"Thank you Draco. I am forever in your debt. However I'd like to know how I'm changed, and what you mean by "more like you". He said, struggling to comprehend. He wanted to joke about now being handsome, but figured it would not be appreciated by his present company.

"Council, ut relinquere nunc. habeo operuerat." He spoke to the beings surrounding us and the all exchanged looks and quiet murmurs.

"Well we are in our land base at the moment. Here, I'll help you up." He said, running his hand down Harry's arm. He helped support the brunet, and together they got him sitting up.

As he got out of the bed, he examined himself quickly. He seemed fine. Two legs, ten toes, same scar across his stomach.

This information caused him to worry more. If he appeared to be the same, what was different? Why did everyone look so concerned?

They walked outside, and the sun was gleaming. The storm had passed, with warm, bright weather replacing it.

"Did you... did you find anyone else in the water?" He said softly, looking out at the edge of the horizon.

"I'm sorry Harry.. we didn't." Draco looks ashamed, as if he knew that the Captain had lost all of his crew members.

"How did you find me? The weather was too bad to be boating." He looked up at the other man through his lashes. It seemed there was no simple explanation he could develop. There was no way he was simply out boating, the wind would have ripped them to pieces. And if they were on land, he would have been long gone.

"We were swimming. And I'll explain further in a moment." He said quietly. He walked further down the dock, until he reached the end.


And so he went. He followed the beautiful man in front of him to the end of the dock, and he was thinking he'd follow him anywhere if asked.

As the blond slipped into the calm water, he dived further down, to the point in which Harry could no longer see his form.

As Draco rose again, there was something off about him. His hair was perfectly dry, and it didn't look like two legs were under him anymore. Almost more like..

"You're a merman. You have a tail." He gasped in disbelief.

"Come. Get in the water Harry..." Draco said, extending a hand.

Harry followed blindly, jumping into the water with much less grace than Draco. He allowed himself to sink slightly, trusting Draco would keep him safe.

He felt something strange happen, and as he opened his eyes everything was clear. The water didn't affect his eyes, and he didn't feel the need to breathe anymore. He slowly rose to the top, coming face to face with the handsome blond.

He looked down at himself and saw a tail, bright green and blue hues, with a glimmering shine to it. He matched Draco now.

Draco observed him, taking in his reaction.  He put a hand against Harry's cheek, and the brunet leaned into his.

So he was saved, but in turn was now a merman. It didn't seem like a terrible trade, especially not if he was able to have Draco by his side.

"Thank you."

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