Alternative Begining

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"Malfoy, Draco." I hear. I look up from the Gryffindor table that I just joined and see a blonde, almost white haired student walk up to the three legged stool and hat. Professor Mcgonagall places the hat on his head and you can barely see his lips moving, probably wishing for a certain house.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouts. I can see Draco's face drop. He solemnly walks over to the cheering table of Gryffindors. He sits a couple people down from me. There is a lot of cheering, but mixed in you can hear a few boo's from the Slytherin table.

I get up and squish inbetween where him and another person are sitting. "Hi! My names Thia! And you would be Draco." I say excitedly.

"Yeah..." He says putting his head in his hands.

"Hey what's wrong Draco? Aren't you happy to be in Gryffindor? My mum and dad say it's a great house!" I smile, trying to cheer him up.

"Well good for you. My family's going to hate me. I was supposed to be in Slytherin." He looks longly over at the rivel table.

I crinkle my nose. "Why do you HAVE to be in Slytherin? Just because your parents said so? That sucks..." I put my hand on top of his and it's icy cold. I kind of flinch back but keep my hand on his. I know that when my best friend or parents do that to me it always calms me down.

"Yes because my parents said so! Why else?" He chokes out. I see a tear slide down his cheek. I begin to feel like crying myself, for this poor boy. I would hate to have parents that made me be in a certain house just because they were.

"Well... If they don't accept you for being in Gryffindor then you don't need them! I've already made a couple friends. Why don't you come hang out with us?" I say, squeezing his hand.

His face lights up suddenly. "Really? I'd love that.. Thanks!"

We walk over to where my friend Hermione is sitting. "Hermione, this is Draco, Draco, This is Hermione. I met her on the train and she's really really nice and soo good at magic already. She's pre-read almost all of her books for the year!!" I practically shout. I'm so excited that they get to meet each other!

"Uh, hello Draco." Hermione waves. She barely glances up from the muggle books she's reading.

"Yeah, She really loves to read." I smile at her, then turn to Draco.

"So Draco, what do you enjoy doing?" I ask politely.

"Oh well um. I do enjoy reading, but clearly not as much as Hermione here. And I liked playing little league Quidditch when i was younger. That was really fun." He smiles.

"Oh that's cool! I've never been that interested in quidditch but I'd love to see you play when you get on the team next year." I say. He looks at me in a weird way. "What? I can tell you're going to be playing next year at least. But no first years get to play their first year. My dad told me."

"Ahh okay. Well let's hope so then." He says smiling at me.


To the Common room


We all walk into the common room. I let out a "Ahh." sound as we walk in. It's nothing like I would have imagined!

"Your things are already in your rooms. Boys to the right, girls to the left." The head boy says.

I look to both sides of me to make sure Hermione and Draco are still there. There's also two boys. One ginger, and one with raven black hair. I smile at the both of them. One smiles back and the other is too distracted with his surroundings to notice me.

"Hi! My names Thia. This is Draco, and this is Hermione." I tell the one that was paying attention.

"Ah yes. My name's Ron, Ron Weasley. And I've met Hermione. I believe she was looking for a toad?" He raises an eyebrow as best as he can.

I hear a snicker beside me. I ignore it and Introduce Draco and Hermione to the black haired boy. I learn that his name is Harry Potter.

"Hey! I've heard of you! My mum talks about how you saved us all, all the time! It gets rather boring, but she's my mum so you know, gotta live with it!" I smile.

He smiles back at me then we all part our ways to our rooms.

"Wow, I've made so many friends today, It's amazing..." I say, putting some of my stuff away. Hermione is doing the same.

"Same here! Thanks for introducing me, I never would have done that on my own, then I would have only had you as my friend for all of school!" She laughs.

"You're very welcome. I love making friend's..." I shrug. I can tell this is going to be a good school year.


837 words in total. Really hoping this actually uploads rn because Wattpad has been down all day. UPDATE: I meant to upoad this yesterday but because of Wattpad being down it wouldnt upload so yeah, sorry guys. Thanks for 500 reads!

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