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Sexual warning

"Hey Harry, Ron. How are you two today?" I ask the Gryffindors. I may be a Slytherin but I atleast have some decency and have enough respect for other people that I can be nice to them.

"Pretty good, you?" Harry responds.

"Oh you know, I'm doing alright." I say, shifting my bag on my shoulder.

I feel a arm wrap around me. "And what do you two think you're doing talking to MY girlfriend?" Draco snarls.

"Oh babe, it's fine. I started the conversation." I roll my eyes smiling at the Gryffindor boys. I hope they see the apology in my smile.

"And I'm ending it. Lets go." Draco begins pulling me away. He leads me to the Slytherin section of the Quidditch stands and I stare at him.

"What is wrong with you? I am allowed to make polite conversation with them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that." I roll my eyes and fold my arms.

"Ugh I'm sorry baby... I just get really jealous because I don't want them taking you away from me..." He rubs the back of his neck.

I roll my eyes again. Wow my eyes must be strong, they've been getting quite the workout today. "They will never take me away from you. I promise okay?"

"I love you too babe. Now go on, get out there. You guys are starting soon. Good luck." I kiss him and he gives me a tight hug.


Draco's pov


"Hey... Harry. Sorry about earlier. I was just a bit jealous. Hope you can forgive me?" I say, pushing my hand out in front of me. He takes it and nods his head.

"Not a problem. Thanks for apologizing. Really means a lot. Good luck by the way." Harry smiles at me.

"You too." I smirk. I only apologized for Thia. Not because I actually wanted to. I know she'd be proud of me, and hopefully I'll get a couple extra kisses tonight when Harry tells her I apologized.


Thia's pov


The boys are finally coming out onto the field and I try to spot my blonde boyfriend. I eventually do after a couple seconds. He looks up to where I am and waves. I wave back and blow a kiss.

I really hope we win...


After the game.


I can't believe we lost! We were doing so well, then of course Harry caught the snitch and just barely won. Draco will be furious...

When I walk down to meet Draco on  the field I notice his back is to me and he is talking to someone. I wonder who?

As I step closer I see he is in fact talking to Harry. "Nice catch Potter.  We still should've won though..."

I smile and lace my hand through Draco's causing him to jump. "Oh! Hi baby... Enjoy the game?"

"Of course! And hey. We definitely should've won but it's whatever." I laugh. Harry does as well.

"Well I had better be going. Have fun!" Harry says, jogging off to where I'm assuming Ron and Hermione are.

"Hey just so you know, I apologized to him earlier." He smirks at me.

"Really?! I'm so proud! Thank you!" I smile broadly. I give him a big kiss.

We head off to the common room. Draco Stops to say something to his roommates and then we head to his room.

"So. Because I apologized to I get extra kisses?" Draco says smiling at me.

"You get more than that.." I walk slowly towards him. He raises his eyebrows and puts his hands on my waist. He pulls me closer until we are touching and I begin kissing his neck. He throws his head back so I have easier access and I continue for a minute befor he puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head to meet his eyes.

He kisses me softly but I put more eagerness into it and I slip my tongue into his mouth. We fight for control but he takes over and pushes his tongue into my mouth. He explores for a second and then breaks away. I'm slightly breathless and so is he.

He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. He pushes me against the wall and kisses me roughly. He moves down to my neck and I moan a little. He knows my neck is a weak spot for me. He moves me to the bed and Begins taking off my shirt.

"Nuh uh. You first." I smirk.

He rolls his eyes but obeys. He takes off his shirt and throws it to the side. Then he takes off mine and begins kissing down my chest and stomach. He reaches my skirt and lifts it up. He kisses my underwear.

"A bit wet are we?" He chuckles. I sit up a little and slap his arm.

"Fine. Nothing for you then if you're going to laugh t me for loving you." I begin sitting up more but he roughly pushes me back down.

"I don't think so." He growls sort of and I smirl. That's what I thought.

He pulls my underwear down and takes off his pants.

"Is this okay?" He asks.

"Mhm." I mumble eagerly. He climbs ontop of the bed, right above me. He levels himself and I admire his arm muscles. All of a sudden there is a slight pain, but it quickly goes away. He thrusts in and out and I begin scratching his back.

"Fuck." He moans in my ear.

I let out a couple moans and after what feels like maybe fifteen minutes he pulls out. He kisses me and rolls over on the bed. He's breathless, as am I.

"That. Was. Amazing." I whisper in his ear. I get up and begin getting dressed. I feel gross putting on my wet underwear and he must see the disgust on my face.

He offers me a pair of his sleep bottoms and I eagerly put them on. I wander over to his dresser and pull out a shirt.

"I'm stealing this too." I throw it on and see he's getting dressed into pajamas as well. I lay on his bed and he soon comes over and spoons me. He wraps an arm tightly around me.

" I love you.." He says quietly.

" I love you more." I smile against his arm that's under my head and scootch closer to him, if possible.


1038 words in total. Wowza that's a long one., I wasn't even thinking it would be this long but daaaamn. Love it. Hope y'all do too!! Is it undrlining in red for you guys when you write on Wattpad too? Answer below in the comments please.. Anyways bye guys!!

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