The first date

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Draco's pov. Slight sexual-ness?


I'm extremely nervous about my first date with Thia... I mean, I shouldn't be because I have known her for almost four years, and I know she would've told me no if she didn't want to go on a date with me, so that means she DOES want to go on a date with me....

I'm currently wearing a nice shirt and jeans, with a pair of black shoes. I tried to dress up without being full of suit and tie, because it's only our first date and I don't want to overwhelm her.

I walk out to the common room, hoping to see her but I don't. I sit patiently on the couch, even though I am anything but patient. My leg starts bouncing and I'm so focused on making my leg not bounce I don't even realize that Thia is standing right in front of me until she clears her throat.

"Oh! H-hi! Are you ready to go?" I ask nervously.

She nods and smiles at me. I grab the picnic basket That I filled with expensive food I had shipped to me. Plus some from the kitchens so she wouldn't be uncomfortable and so she would know what some of the things in the basket were.

"Wow Mr. Draco Malfoy actually put together a picnic basket? I'm surprised." She giggles before taking my free hand. We walk out to the main field outside of the school and I pull a blanket out of the basket.

I lay it on the ground and she helps me set out all the food. She pauses a couple of times to ask what certain things are and I willingly explain them to her. I love how curious she is about things.

Eventually we settle down and begin talking while setting up our plates.

"I really can't believe that you did all this for me Draco, It's beautiful. Thank you." Thia smiles. She leans forward and kisses me on the cheek.

I blush. "It really wasn't that big of a deal."

"Are you kidding me? My mum has this cheese every year at Christmas, and I happen to know that you have to specially order it a month in advance and it has to be ordered from France." She says.

"Well, for you I would do way more." I shrug. We begin eating and I can't help but stare at her. She's stunning. I've known her for four years almost, but I've only liked her for two. I've always noticed her beauty, and her cute little laugh, and the way she scratches the inside of her elbow when she doesn't know the answer to something, or when she's nervous. It's absolutely adorable.

When she's done eating she gets up and sits down next to me. She lays her head on my shoulder and I rest my head against hers.

"Thank you. So much. I've been really stressed out lately because of my parents getting a divorce but this honestly made me feel so much better." She says taking my hand. I lift my head up and look at her.

I can't help myself and I kiss her. Soft and slow at first but once she begins kissing me back I lose it and carefully lay her down on the ground. I begin kissing her neck and she runs her hands through my already messy hair. I go back to kissing her and I slip my tongue into her mouth and explore the mouth that I've wanted to kiss for so long. She tastes sweet and I smile against the kiss. I break away and she puts her hand on the back of my neck to pull me closer again. She kisses me again, this time just a normal kiss.

She sighs, hopefully with content, and lays her head back against the blanket. "That was great."

"I totally agree, but it's getting dark so we should probably be getting back inside." I say. She pouts but helps me put the remaining food and containers in the picnic basket and we head back to the common room, hand in hand.


675 words in total. My new computer is really ticking me off rn and Idk if it's wattpad or my actual computer but it keeps underlining everything in red and everytime is make a mistake in the middle o a paragraph and have to backspace then re type it makes me re type the entire paragraph because it deletes the next letter? Idk but anyways how'd you like it? Also, I GOT 400 READS!!!!!! Ahhh so excited. Anyways It's starting to underline in red again so I'm done.. Bye guys!!

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