I'll be okay

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I run so fast, I nearly trip on my own feet. I'm still behind him though. His long legs making his strides longer than mine. His shaggy black hair trailing behind him.

"Hurry Cynthia!" Sirius yells back, turning his head. Because of this he isn't watching where he's going and trips over a log. He screams out and I rush to him, out of breath.

"A-Are you okay??" I ask, concern flooding my voice. He shakes his head and I see tears run down his face.

"I-it's okay. I'll um, i'll fix it. I promise." I stutter, taking out my wand. I slowly mutter the words, trying to remember the spell to fix open wounds. 

It looks disgusting, with dark red-ish black blood seeping out at an incredible rate. I'm not quite sure what happened, but i think the log ripped through his pants into his leg and tore a lot of skin off. I feel like puking but continue working my magic. (ha. get it. magic.)  

"Maybe I should uh, get the teacher?" I offer. We were out in the woods for punishment. We may or may not have tricked James and Peter into falling down the staircase and peter may or may not have broken his arm. The reason we were running was because we saw some creepy shit in the woods. We saw a dark figure running towards us, and so we started running away. Hopefully it's not following us anymore...

I look back down at his wound and notice that my magic surprisingly worked pretty well for a 14 year old. I help Sirius stand up and we start walking off, his arm around my neck and mine around his waist.

When we finally reach the clearing I can see Mr. Skarley (Just making up a name because I don't really know who would have been doing detentions during their era) standing around waiting for us.

"Mr. Black! Ms. Hail! What in Merlins beard happened?" He exclaims loudly ushering towards us. We recount the details of what happened and the entire time he nods along and makes faces at the scary parts.

"Well I have never heard a more interesting story. I must tell the headmaster about this. Ms. Hail could you take Mr. Black to Madame Pomfrey?" He says as we start walking back to the castle.

"Yes, of course Mr. Skarley." I stop walking, sensing Sirius' need for a break from walking so much on his wounded leg.

Eventually we make it up to the infirmary and explain the story of what happened to her as well. She gasps and sits him down in a bed quickly. "Oh dear, I always knew they shouldn't have made detention down in the Forbidden Forest. Are they daft?" She pulls up his pants leg and stares at it. 

"Well it looks like it's mostly taken care of, not much bleeding it seems like. Minimal damage. I'll still keep you overnight to make sure, of course, but you should be fine!" She beams at us.

"Ahh yes. That would be the work of Cynthia Hail here. She used magic to heal my leg in the forest. She acted rather quickly and didn't freak out at all." He says. He grabs my hand and kisses it. "My hero." He kind of laughs a little.

"Well, i'm very proud of you Ms. Hail, good job dear." She says. I pull up a chair next to his bed and soon dose off to the sound of Sirius' breathing.


579 words in total. Omg my foots so numb right now. Send help would you? Also, i'm really hoping that y'all are enjoying this so far because you know, this is for you guys too, not just for me to write for the fun of it. So yeah. THREE STORIES IN ONE DAY YOU GUYS. Like wow!! Any ways good bye folks. Have a wonderful day!

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