Cramps and chocolate.

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"Dracoooo." I whine. I got my period about two days ago and it's at its worst. I can barely move from how bad my cramps are.

"Yes baby. What can I do for you?" He asks. He puts his hand on my head and pets my hair. I smile and then wince. 

"Would you mind sneaking down to the kitchens and getting me some chocolate?" I stick my lower lip out and give him puppy dog eyes. "Just say I sent you."

He agrees and gives me a quick kiss before leaving. I get more comfortable on the common room couch. It's almost 10:30 at night on a sunday and most people are in bed, getting ready for class and getting sleep like they should be. But no. I can't sleep because of my damn cramps. Of course. 

A few minutes later he comes back with a plate full of food. "Oh my I love the house elves. They're the best." I say eyeing the plate.

He sets the plate down on the table next to the couch and I sit up, quickly shoving my mouth with food. I make a low moan noise and Draco looks at me. "Hey. You should only make that noise when i'm touching you."

I blush and cover my face with my hands. "Oh my lord Draco. I mean yes true, but still. Maybe once i'm off of my lady time."

"True I suppose." He shrugs and his perfect body slouches.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask, stopping eating.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He shrugs again, but this time his face saddens as well.

I set the plate aside and pat the small space next to me. "Come here.." He slowly lays down and rests his head on the arm of the couch. I begin to play with his blonde, almost white hair. He nuzzles into me even more and I hear sniffling. 

"Baby what's wrong. Did I do something?" I ask with concern in my voice.

"No, of course not sweetheart. I don't know what's wrong exactly.. I'm just feeling really upset for some reason." He looks up at me and there are a few tears running down his face.

I tell him everything will be alright and that he doesn't have to worry about anything. "I'm here for you, you know. You can talk to me.. I really don't mind. I love helping people with their problems."

"Okay. I'm gonna take you up on that offer sometime in the near future." He laughs a little. Well at least he's laughing a bit. That's good.

I smile and pull his head onto my chest and him closer to me. He put's his head on my chest and i'm assuming he's listening to my heart beat.

"I love you." Draco whispers.

I'm shocked for a minute. He's never said this before. But I mean, we have been dating for about three months. This is good that he's saying it. And I definitely return the feelings. "I- I love you too."


495 words of the actual story. Not much, but it's something. soooo yeah. I hope you liked the first story. Don't forget to comment your ideas or dm me. Stay glorious you beautiful humans. 

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